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Good evening, when she says she wants a necklace ...


3 new items - Necklace Category

Heavy Spiked Collar (2 Swatches - Black, Steel)

Nice Leather Collar (4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink)

Heart Collar w/ Inscription (2 Swatches w/ 13 Inscriptions)


How are you doing? I am getting over a flu, so I was mostly just kinda doodling in zBrush when I could. Anyway I am a big fan of collars and chokers in general, so I thought I might as well make some more. Bigger release coming Sun/Mon. Cheers.

edit: Still feel like crap, so release more likely later on in the week, on Wednesday.




If you happen to enjoy drawing, have you considered adding pictures/posters ingame?


I cant draw at all, my doodling involves pulling around vertices, sorry :).