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Hey, whats up?

I kinda underestimated how long it takes to transcribe all of the entries into to wiki, which is why I didnt quite make it yesteday for publication. But nevermind that, to the matter at hand-

This is the first version of the wiki. Its "feature complete" save for the animator list, because I need to go through LL and see if anyone new popped up- so I will update that later on this week.

First thing you will probably notice is that the wiki looks basic- I mostly just wanted it not look completely awful and be functional both on desktop and mobile (and it is), so I am content with it. I am no web designer and Id rather work on more sets for you instead of a sleek look.

You can search for stuff in three ways-

Access the sitemap, which is mostly a dev tool, but you can quickly scan all of the pagenames and find what you need.

You can use the search function- part of the set name is usually enough to show you the relevant result.

Lastly you can search visually through the 4 catalogues-

Clothing Items - Both supported and legacy items shown, divided.

Wicked Whims Objects - All of my objects without custom functionality.

Advanced Objects - All of my objects with custom tuning.

Miscellaneous Sets - Everything from animation sets to the clutter set. What doesnt fit elsewhere.

I dont know how will the hosting hold up when it comes to traffic, as I chose inexpensive plan as I dont expect a crowd of people. However if its not sufficient, I am ready to upgrade at moments notice, so I will be monitoring that.

Anyhow, next release and poll later this week. Cheers.


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Hopefully you manage to find what you are looking for. Feel free to send me any suggestions you might have about this wiki. Use the sidebar to easily navigate. This Wiki is primarily intended to help you use stuff from my collection of items that has grown considerably over the past two years.


Tanis Steele

Woo hoo! Love me some organization. Even though it's not a .zip file. :P


Feeling a bit slow this morning, but can't find. Is there a link?


Zip of what? You can already get the whole dropbox archive by clicking once :)


? Of course, its the header of this very post. Its also added to the pinned FAQ post as the very top link.

Tanis Steele

Just making a cheeky joke at the note in the LL FAQ I remembered reading back when I first found your stuff. :P

Verby McAwesomesauce

You really are an absolute gem, thank you so much for taking on such a huge undertaking and putting in all this effort!


Hey Krit i was wondering if you could make a horse girl set?! just an idea!