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Lately I´ve been pondering if the information accessibility is sufficient. I´ve made a lot of stuff over the years and perhaps its time to move the useful info from the FAQ and the release posts into a more centralized location.

So, my question is, had I made some sort of simple Wiki that categorizes all the stuff and useful info about it (how it works, skill requirements, available animations etc etc etc), common issues etc, would you actually use it?

I am obviously asking because the thing wont make and host itself, so please vote and say "yes" only if you actually see yourself using it to look something up. Thank you.

edit: And please vote even if you see the result going one way- this is not a binding poll or anything. I am getting the temperature of the room so to say and I want as many votes as I have patrons (I know, a pipe dream, but would be nice :) ).



I think it'd definitely be useful. Between my memory/CC/ani quantity and troubleshooting. i feel like I'd definitely use it.


dffinatly would help solve the "why is it still grayed out?!?!" moments.


Yeah it would be nice. Every once in a while I skim through the dropbox and realize I've missed an update.


I'd use it!


I would use it. It'd be useful to have a place to go if I needed to remind myself how an object works without having to scroll through until I find the object's description on patreon.


I want to say yes because info when having issues is really helpful, having said that I've never had an issue with your CC so I said no and really just want to use this chance to say thank you for such incredible and functional CC. <3

Closet Fetishist

I say yes with the wish that the mods themselves get organized in this prospective wiki as it's gets easy to misidentify what is new and/or updated content.


I'd use it!