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Good evening, sunkissed or not, you are going on the rack.


Five Swatches - Plain Steel, Dark Bronze, Rose, Dark Red, Black With Highlights

Working Tanning Rack - Similar in function to the beach towel

Since tanning is part of the Island Living exp pack (EP07), its probably required for it to function.

Provides two interactions - Sunbathe & Sunbathe with lotion applied. Effect should be similar to using the beach towel object.

Keep in mind that it has the same limitations as ordinary tanning - if you apply a skin overlay that completely covers the skin ... well, you aint getting tanned.


Here is the winner of the second poll. I forgot to post an update on Wednesday- sorry if you waited with bated breath, Ive been out and about and it slipped my mind. 

With this, I tried making both ropes and chains to hold the sim in, but the rig got too complicated and rigid chains / ropes look pretty meh, so I stuck with these steel bars. As I said I would, I made it tan the sim ... at least I hope so. Ive never actually used the feature in the base game, but I think I´ve set it up correctly to mirror the towel behavior. If you detect anything out of the ordinary, let me know.

Anyway next release on the weekend. The winner of the first poll probably. Cheers.




Hi! could you tell me what section this is supposed to appear under in build/buy please? I'm having trouble finding it in-game and 'tanning' 'tanning rack' don't bring it up in the search bar. Although it could just be that I have too much CC to find it lol


Hello. Its in the sculpture section. As noted in the release post, if you dont have the EP that added sunbathing, it very likely wont show up.


Thanks for getting back to me, I have every expansion pack so that shouldn’t be an issue. Just checked sculptures again and it’s definitely not there. I’ll try and download the file again and see if that works.


Well I dont see how that would help unfortunately. Items not showing up is usually a symptom of a missing EP. However the object is made out of the same basegame sculpture I use for most of my stuff- its the interactions that are linked to the Island Living Stuff. I cant really think of a reason as to why it wouldnt show up, unless more people share the issue and we can find a commonality.


Ah okay, that’s alright. I’ve got all your other objects functioning just fine so no worries. Hopefully it’s not an issue for everyone, but I’ll keep and eye on this post in case anyone else does.


I have no idea why it worked but re-downloading the file actually worked! It’s showing up now :)


I havent changed the file at all since I uploaded it, so beats me too. Maybe you didnt put it in the mod folder by mistake. Doesnt matter though, the imporant thing is that it works now!