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Hey, just wanted to let you know, I´ve ran into some difficulties- Ive spent the weekend making three new animations for the Majesty hole but I am at my wits end since the object refuses to animate ingame, even after hours today poking at it from every angle I could think of. Even though I am doing it the same way I always do and the rig should by all accounts work fine.

The only difference is that usually I make stuff out of one of the basegame sculptures and this was made out of a basegame window- there are possibly under-the-hood technical interactions that are different.

I still want the hole to work properly, because I was planning on making it an addition to work side by side with the arcade- so dont fret, more animations are definitely coming. I might just have to do a complete overhaul on the object :(

Regardless, Ill get an alternate set of animations for different objects done tomorrow and the final release will come out on Wednesday- the Atropos update.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Sometimes stuff just throws a new wrench my way.



Hey, as a (very junior) programmer I understand how frustrating this all can get . Please don’t worry—we understand this isn’t as easy as waving a magic wand and getting exactly what we want. Please take all the time you need and know that we love your work and appreciate all that you do!

Luci Martin

I agree with James, we have more than enough of other things keep us busy while you create. nothing kills a work in progress faster than a deadline or pressure. relax and let creativity flow !! :D


Take your time!!! There’s no rush 🤗


But you're creations are so worth waiting for...


Thank you guys, you are too kind.