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Hello humans! We come in peace. And also up your ass.


Eight Swatches - Red, Black, White, Pink, Red&Black, Black&Red, White&Black, White&Pink

Found easily by searching "Containment" in your buy mode. 

Tentacle prop - not buyable but used in the idle animation.

Idle animation of use included.


Remember not to select "random" option when picking the animation from the object´s WW menu, unless you fancy reloading your game.



Well this ended up being a lot of work :) So I tried rigging up a tentacle, which ended up in the form of the metal probe that extends when the animation begins. Its was also really annoying to make, but educational. You would think after a year of doing this stuff, I would know everything. Turns out the socratic paradox remains very much relevant.

Anyhow this sixth set concludes this months releases. I hope you had fun and found at least something you enjoyed playing around with.

Also dont forget to download the updated version of the Latex Love set, I fixed some region map issues yesterday.

I hope I´ll see you around next month as well. Let me just end up by teasing the first release of May - its the most complex thing Ive done to date and I think you are going to like it.




This is amazing!


What a truly masterpiece!

robert berlin

how i can use that as an hibernate tank mate?