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Recently, we managed to fly past 250 active supporters. In fact, we flew past so suddenly I noticed only yesterday.

What can I say, but thank you for being part of my adventure. I am just a guy that decided it was time to stop making excuses and finally make something few months ago. For every hurdle I stumble over, there is a soft landing in form of a new patron, kind comment or a simple like from you. As long as you stay this awesome, I will do my utmost to further entertain you.

To celebrate and reflect in a productive manner, I spent my morning throwing together a new simple top and bottom you can grab in the Season 4 folder as a little bonus for you. It comes without the print as well.

I also remade my showroom house, so in the future the example screenshots should better reflect what you are getting. Plus I set up OBS and Lightworks to record and edit animation previews for future object sets.

So, from me and from my lovely virtual assistants- 

Cheers, stay tuned, its only going to get better!



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