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Bonsoir. Give a new meaning to "I got stuck at work".


Twelve Swatches - Wood Dark/Brown/Steel + Black, White, Pink, Red Padding

Found easily by searching for "[Kritical]" in your buy mode. 

Fits into a wall.

Includes an idle animation and a fucking animation.

 !!! DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again. WW bug. !!! 

If the hole doesnt appear after building, undo the build action and drag out the correct orientation (shelves toward the visible part). 

!!! DO NOT use the swatch selector once the hole is built into the wall.


This was a bit of an experiment, which is why its a bit hacky :) . I made the thing out of a door, which means it slots into a wall, but brings some other quirky behavior. Those of you that voted for it might notice I went for a slightly different design - that is because the Sims 4 skeleton cannot handle the sort of bending in the reference picture without breaking the sim.

Also the fucking animation is pretty basic, I am NOT and animator in any sense of the word and the animations are meant to be seen from the side with the shelves only.

You can also turn off the object reservation in the other WW settings and then use the unpaired fucking animation (teasing category) - this has the benefit of not releasing whoever is in the hole after the animation ends, but it also has downside of there not being an interaction (so you wont get buffs from it / impregnate the person in the hole etc), since at that point you are playing basically two teasing animations.

And with that, this concludes January sets. Hope you liked them. Cheers.




Hello, all custom door and window mods in the game have been disabled after update 1.66. Does this include this one? My mod cannot correctly display the hole in the middle. Would you like to fix this problem?[My English is not very good, please forgive me.]


Thank you for letting me know, I will investigate and potentially fix it when I have time.


What happened to this package?


Can't find the package


What happened to this item? MissMe has animation that use this and now it's gone.