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Hi. Hang around for a bit longer, would you?


Four Swatches - Steel with Red, White, Black, Red soft bits.

Can be positioned on a wall in any height you please, the animation adjusts accordingly.

Found easily by searching for "[Kritical]" in your buy mode.

WW enabled with an idle animation, teasing category - click on the fixture and select it to use.

!!! DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again. WW bug. !!!


I was hoping to have both of this week´s sets finished by today, but didnt quite make it on time. This took a bit longer than I expected since I had to remake a part of it, so if anything doesnt work, let me know please. Other than that, hang on, more coming on Sunday. 

Have fun.



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