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Muy Buenos. A bit of latex and rubber never killed anyone. Just dont block the nose holes. Well, for too long in any case.


Eight Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow

Technically made of 3 parts (found in hair, body and shoes), but absolutely NOT meant to be used piece by piece. Control the suit swatch from the main (body) part.


Well, this was awkward to make. I originally made it in one piece, then had to split it for the game to actually not crash when you wear the thing. Dont worry when the texture on the head and feet part doest show up, it wont until you equip the main part.

This thing is also meant to be worn by itself, sorry about that, but the way I made it makes it incompatible with other clothes. I made a custom whole body mesh (this thing isnt painted on the EvE mesh so that I can use a bump map) and didnt scale it properly for other clothes. Lessons learned for next time.

Anyhow, have fun. Next set probably on Tuesday and the last set on Wednesday.
