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Buongiorno. Its always fun to add challenge to everyday tasks for your playthings. Well, now you have another way!


Five Swatches - Black, Red, Yellow, Pink, White

Yoke - Body Top

Skirt - Body Bottom


I am fairly confident this is another first for the Sims franchise, so yay. I am sure EA would be proud of me. Anyway, I ended up combining the top and the yoke, because putting the hands into this position deformed the body too much to fit other (mesh) clothing, nevermind the fact that it wouldnt animate properly, since I have modified the weights heavily. If you´ve seen the preview on discord, I had to remove the zipper on the skirt, since it was right in the middle of the deformation area and distorted horribly. Now go test it out because this is definitely non-standard item and there might be something I overlooked. Let me know if thats the case.

Alright, next set coming out Monday to Tuesday, Ill see.



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