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Hey, whats up?

I was thinking about getting some sort of official translation effort on the way, centered on DoS and the integrated packages. To that end, I am putting out a call to anyone who would be willing to contribute to making the mod accessible to more people by breaking the language barriers down!

Current requirements to apply are:

  • Ability to use Discord for coordination.
  • Willingness to either keep updating the translation as the mod evolves or letting someone take over building on your previous work if you no longer wish / are able to translate.
  • Decent grasp of the chosen language.

I will provide:

  • Pruned string table that contains only player facing strings for ease of translation.
  • Special place on my Discord to coordinate and solve any and all related issues.
  • Hosting on my dropbox next to the main packages (of course you can rehost the translation package wherever you want as well).
  • Full credit on the main DoS page, lifetime access to my Dropbox and Discord.

I would also welcome willingness to help me translate the main DoS wiki page. I would like to begin this translation effort next month, so you have a bit of time to decide if you want to help me make the mod better. Reach out to me on discord, either send me a private message or just shout at me in the general channel- ideally with what language you are looking to tackle. Anyway for languages I dont get a volunteer for, I will look into AI MTL options. Hopefully we can open up the mod even to people who dont speak English very well.




Hi, I can help with portuguese :)