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Intro-ing Ryuusei's childhood bestfriend - This one's canon, he's gonna be in EVERY AU Ryuusei's in

Ryuusei met him when Ryuusei was angry striding in the road and was too upset to notice the lil boy about a year younger from him

He literally bumped into him making Mutsumi fall on the ground with his books and everything, Mutsumi's a book to tech kid, smartly advanced for his age, not that violent and Ryuusei scared the life out of him on first site

Mutsumi is also 100% raised by his mom since Spinner didn't know his lil innocent fling left a mark on [undesigned Albino snake OC] Mutsumi's mom before he went to war and never saw her again, although some things doesn't fall far from the tree, he's great at hacking into any technology he can get his hands on as he has rare collections of Skeptic's books as a kid

He wears gloves, people think it's cus he's insecure of his albino scales but he just wants to prevent scratch marks on his gadgets

Also his saliva is venomous




The chaotic neutral duo the 2nd Gen deserves. I really adore your OC's!

Emry Deval

Do you know what kinda snake his mom is? Or what kind of snake venom he produces? O: