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Jiyuu regrets succumbing to her desperation in using her roommate as an accessory to her issues and would've apologetically suggest they should just go back to ignoring one another despite living under the same roof for almost a year [yeaaaaah few months from now it's gonna be roommate anniversary!]
But he's not backing down, if anything, he's more curious about her more than ever despite skipping alotta NORMAL STEPS to try to know someone, and he's starting to doubt himself if he's just wanting the sex

As usual, sorry for my slow ass LMFAO also I always wondered why Guy's shirts are like 1000000000x more comfortable than ladies shirt, quality and all

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Mr Negative

Haha it's ok I wasnt trying to sound rude if I did. Both AU's are very well drawn and written, again sorry If i seemed rude it was just an observation. Continue the amazing work worth every penny I spend hah.


Nah dw i didn't think you were rude at all! It was the best way I can describe what I'm doin' like with this Dabi (well technically I only have 2 Dabi's in long series, the others are crackhead energy) Until the plot requires otherwise XD just Glad ya'll enjoy my work till now! 🖤

purple rein

wish i had mommy milkers like hers