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I fast forwarded to your thoughts before I watched this one. It's not often a favorite among reactors to the show BUT I always thoroughly enjoyed these "Earth after aliens are undeniable" episodes. It's so interesting how, starting with episode 1 of the new series, we get to watch how alien contact changes the Earth and takes the world from something totally recognizable to where it is now.

Enter the Matrixster

Deadlocking in Doctor Who is essentially locking it against sonic devices unless the sonic device has a key. That's why is S4E1 the Doctor couldn't open the window with his sonic screwdriver but could with Fosters sonic pen as the pen acted as a key. It's a bit of a lazy plot device to make the sonic useless without completely writing it out.


Ah that makes sense, thank you. I was beginning to wonder near the end if it means something different in the context of Doctor Who but I also came to the realisation a second before I wrote this that I'm thinking of deadbolt so I've been ranting all this time over nothing lol

Enter the Matrixster

Yeah it's great seeing how the world carries on without The Doctor, even if it is just small glimpses. And now I want Big Finish to make a political drama set in the Doctor Who universe (if they haven't already, I'm very far behind)


Aw, darn. Does this mean no more deadlock rants??! Lol