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John buchanan

As far as the thing with Jake, they don’t know that he needs to speak to use his power. The others didn’t. To risk Ellen over what could be done in a split second would be a lot. Ya they could have just shot him the second he walked into the cemetery, but they didn’t know what the plan was and if killing him would simply stop it. As far as yellow eyes death, ya I do think it was a bit easy, however not only was he completely shocked that his demon self had just been removed from his body, but he didn’t even realize dean picked up the colt as well. Season 3 is a shorter season because of the writer strike at the time. But it’s still a banger and I know you will enjoy. Also from head on is when supernatural gets its budget and graphically it gets way better( even though season 2 was 10x better imo then season 1).