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I’m curious if now that you’ve seen most of the rest of the season and maybe understand Charlie a bit better now, if you maybe have a new perspective about Charlie’s schoolwork in this episode (especially as a teacher). Something that I find interesting is that his teachers say he’s “always been a high achiever, but in the past few MONTHS his grades have been slipping across most of his subjects.” The timeline of the show gets kind of hard to keep track of sometimes, but it’s only been a few weeks since he and Nick officially became boyfriends and began spending all their time together. It’s easy for his parents to assume that he’s not doing his homework just because of Nick, but as the audience we know he’s also been dealing with a lot mentally. In episode 8 of last season he told Tori he thought it would be better if he didn’t exist 😬. I also don’t think it’s just because you as a teacher are not the “targeted audience” for this show. Lots of fans were frustrated by Charlie in this episode and the next one! But I personally think that’s intentional. We’re supposed to not understand why Charlie isn’t doing his work because he looks like he’s stuck in an illogical procrastination/avoidance spiral. Even in the next episode after he’s been completely grounded and should hypothetically have plenty of time to do his coursework, he still leaves his essay off to the last day. Given everything else we know about his mental health, and the fact that he’s always been an excellent student before this… it’s a pretty big red flag for something deeper going on. And I don’t think his parents were wrong to be concerned about his grades, but I think their approach was flawed. They went straight to blaming and trying to control the situation, without checking in to connect with him and see if something else was going on.