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My favorite Tarantino film(s) are Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2. They're one story, so, definitely a set to watch back to back. His style is so distinctive that it's usually possible to name his work just by viewing about 10 seconds or less. Lol


That was lovely. And I think you'll like Inglorious Basterds very much. And yes, Tarantino uses MANY of the same actors and even lines. Some of the actors even play the same role across several films. The line to Django where he was strung up, "That will be the story of you." was also a major line in Kill Bill. The one female bounty hunter/jerkwad person (the one looking in the viewfinder near the end of the movie) was Zoe Bell, a stuntwoman who doubles for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill and also who features in Deathproof (another Tarantino film). I don't want to give any spoilers, but I'll bet you'd like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, too. I say...Tarantino marathon! :D


I'm so glad you enjoyed. I can't wait to check out more of Tarantino's films.