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I love your rant! And there were so many things that Rebecca and the other show makers did to make sure that this episode was not only seen, but was so clear about what it was doing and so integral to the story of the show, that it couldn't be ignored! The best example is that Ruby is in a dress and Sapphire in a suit for a reason. Other countries with less than friendly attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people had been dubbing Ruby as a male, to get around the whole subject and still run the show in their countries. Because, as Rebecca conceived Ruby and Sapphires relationship - she showed only LOVE and didn't define them by their sex. This had the unfortunate side effect that those countries got away with ignoring the issue with a simple hiring of a distinctly male VA. In this episode, they force those countries to either: 1. run the episode and admit either the same sex marriage OR that their established "male" character is wearing a dress and looking super feminine. or 2. choose not to air the episode and lose a HUGE plot point. You mentioned several times during the episode that it would be anti-climactic to have them "defeat" the Diamonds here. And, yeah, I'd imagine that's why it can feel rushed without the context of what this episode was trying to do - but that they do "defeat" them in this one is totally on purpose. If the episode wasn't aired, then they go immediately from finding out Rose is Pink and then....Blue and Yellow know it, too and they're friends....all of a sudden?? It's brilliant. And not least of all because Cartoon Network argued that they didn't want this episode/arc because "kids will find wedding episodes boring." She decided to call their bluff and insist that it'll be one of the more exciting episodes of the whole series (though, we all know exactly why CN didn't want this arc, and it had nothing to do with worrying it would be boring.) To close this long ass comment.... This is credited with the first animated children's show to feature a same-sex wedding (aired in 2018...20 frickin 18...). The next year (2019), the PBS show Arthur did the same thing with their teacher character and it made history too. Once you break the glass, all the "what if" fears kinda break with it. And I'm SO happy to have watched it with you

S Le

I absolutely love your rant as well. As a gay man, just seeing someone, whose reactions I’ve been enjoying watching for a long time, clearly get as angry as I feel deep down about the way this show was prematurely canceled and then jerked around with a movie and a continuing series filled my heart that the world is moving in the right direction despite all the destroyers trying to pull it back to the dark ages. Thank you for everything you’ve said.