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Yup, lol, this is the episode with the song I used to "trick" you into watching SU! Lmao! And I think you were spot on in your assessment of how Steven was feeling. His mom was "the Great" Rose Quartz. And he's just...Steven. it's impossible to forget that she's LITERALLY gone so that he could exist and he's desperate to prove himself a "worthy replacement". So, every failure is judged by an unfair measuring stick in his mind. This is 100% one of the episodes that made me fall in love with this show...quiet trauma is so real, and so hard to accurately depict...


Oh! And about your question about watching other reactors...I mean...if you want to. But, ok, I have 5 reactors currently watching SU that I'm watching religiously (4 of whom are ironically in about the same place you are, though two of those are starting to slow their roll because S4 of SU is when you start to remember the series is finite and they don't want it to end lol). And usually what they do is: intro=recap and predictions (to let everyone know they are totally following the plot and know the show well enough to guess what's going to happen now) and outtro=analysis and reconciliation (what happened and how close was I with my predictions). BUT, then again, I watch your reactions because I like them...so, you dont have to do anything but what feels right. Hope that's helpful.