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My last chance, so you gotta sit for some "fun facts": You have an awesome knowledgeable friend! (I imagine the "Rohan Theme" they were asking you to 'just wait for' was probably the final charge of the battle for Minas Tirith, am I right? LOL) And yes, Christopher Lee had an extensive career before he was an actor...and one of the things he learned in his previous career was "what it sounds like when a man is stabbed in the back." So, yes, you would just say, "Yes, sir" and move on. LOL I actually have a similar story about Christopher Lee. Sorry. Here it is: I'm not sure if you've seen or are familiar with the movie, "The Last Unicorn," but it was an 80s animated fantasy which was actually made by those folks who eventually went on to create Studio Ghibli - but, anyway. Christopher Lee played a role in it (won't spoil, just in case you haven't or ever will see it) but he did tell the author of the book the movie was based on, Peter S Beagle, which is who I heard this story from, that if he (Lee) were to die before a live-action "Last Unicorn" were made, Lee would make sure to return from the dead to reprise his role. Beagle said: "I believe him." Speaking further, and back on topic! THAT scene. THAT very first scene with the Gandalf/Aragorn group with Saruman. THAT was an extended scene (which is probably why the sound mixing seemed so off.) In the theatrical edition...Christopher Lee is cut out entirely. Gandalf just says, "He has no power anymore" and Treebeard says, "The filth of Saruman is washing away." What happens to him? Where did the crystal ball come from for Pippin to pick it up? *big fat shrug* It makes me so miffed that I can't stomach this movie's theatrical edition in particular (even with that...*crunch crunch* scene which really...wasn't needed and ruined the big surprise hero moment at the end). Faramir and Eowyn also had their entire meeting cut out. Ugh. Anyway. They filmed these all at once, by the way, just remembered you commented about that at some point, that they had only a year between films. And, yup, all they did during that year was editing and reshoots, otherwise, it'd never have been possible! But still, three years was a long time to wait for the conclusion, and I'll never forget the feelings I had when the tower came down and Merry cheered for Frodo. I had literal tears in my eyes and I just love getting even the shadow of that feeling in each rewatch. Thank you for watching these and for giving me a "fun fact" outlet for the day! :)


I've loved reading your massive walls of texts, thank you! I was speaking to my mum about the films. She read them growing up and absolutely refused to watch the films in cinemas because she knew they wouldn't do the books justice. She didn't even know about the extended editions until I told her.