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What an amazing movie this was. I'm so excited to see the others and the hobbit.




*gets a blankie, a snackie, packs a bowl, and snuggles in* ok. Ready!


This movie series got me labeled with the title of “Ms. Fun-Facts,” and my college roommate used to have to urge me to hold back whenever we had guests over who wanted to watch it so that I wouldn’t annoy the bejeezus out of them. So, I’ll try to restrain myself from things that you’re going to hear from almost everyone (stuff like: the adorable hobbit children Bilbo is telling stories to at his birthday had Director Peter Jackson’s children among them. In fact, Jackson makes an appearance himself in each of the movies – in this one, he was the menacing man eating a carrot in Bree that the Hobbits pass on their way to the Inn). Ok, that’s all! But what I really want to talk about is what this story meant to me personally. When I was 10, my Aunt Susan (the “cool” aunt) gave me her copies of these books. I got through the Hobbit just fine (it’s, after all, a children’s story) but it took me a few years to get through the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Two Towers (ironically my favorite of the three movies) was the hardest to get through – mostly because it’s not written like it is in the movie with all the stories being told at once…half the book was one story following one set of characters and half the book the other set…and one of the two sets is definitely more of an exciting read. But I’ve read them all many times since. So, I was very familiar with the books when I first saw the trailer in theaters…and I’d had NO idea that they were even making the movies. That moment when the Fellowship first sets out and is crossing the mountains and they appear on screen one at a time was almost the whole trailer. As I watched, I was almost vibrating in my seat as I gradually figured out what I was seeing. I was 16 in 2001 and saw every one of them in theaters…. several times each. And the moment the extended editions were released on DVD, I had them! I even watched all of the bonus footage (which is where most of my “fun-facts” come from – it was basically a full documentary on the making of the movies, and it is a fantastic watch, really). Going to end this book of a comment by going back to my Aunt Susan who gifted me the books when I was too young to read them. She loves the Lord of the Rings. The copies she gave me were tattered from being read over and over again. And she absolutely REFUSED to see the movies in theaters. She was certain that they wouldn’t be able to do the books justice. And, to be fair, there just is a lot that gets left out (Tom Bombadil is cut out of the movies entirely but he’s a big part – for better or worse- in at least the first book). But we managed to convince her to come over to watch the extended editions at my apartment on a projector we’d borrowed from the library where my mother worked. By the time Gandalf showed up on the screen, she was in tears. The music, the attention to detail, the practical effects over CGI wherever possible… it all worked together to put the image she had in her head of the Shire and put it in reality. So. It’s special. And I’m SO happy that I got to watch with you and I’m looking forward to the next two!


Dangit. Ok. One more comment then I'm done. Yes! We do marathon these. Usually an annual occurrence on an otherwise blank Saturday or Sunday. And the movies are only part of the fun! I like to cook. So. We do the seven Hobbit meals in time with the movies and invite anyone who is game for the event: Breakfast – 7:30 a.m. - Served right at the start. Usually berries and cream and sweet scones and tea to honor the Shire ;) Second Breakfast – 9:30 a.m. - "Tomatoes, sausages, and nice crispy bacon" lol, it's timed to be just about where this happens in the movie. Elevenses – 11 a.m. - They're in Lothlorien at this point or just about - so it's lembas bread and more tea Luncheon – 1 p.m. - The Two Towers - don't want to spoil for you! Afternoon Tea – 2:30 p.m. - The Two Towers Dinner – 5:30 p.m. - Return of the King Supper – 9 p.m. - Return of the King Alcohol usually features from Afternoon Tea onward LOL So, we're pretty "dumb, fat, and happy" by the end of the day. LOL


I’m late to the party. New Patron. These are my favorite movies. I’m ready to hop into this reaction! So excited!