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My thoughts on Doctor Who is usually: If you get through Season 1 (of the new series) then you'll likely find it gets infinitely better from there. Not to impugn Eccleston AT ALL - he was the best part of the season and his interpretation of The Doctor was lovely and tragic - but it just is the weakest of the early seasons. The budget was low, and they were figuring their way around the Doctor Who formula which is a mix of "monster of the week" inside of a season or seasons long (at time) progressive narrative. It's cheesy, definitely. Acted poorly, at times (never by the main cast...and the peripheral characters get better as the budget grew). And sometimes deliberately silly... But the LORE and the imagination! I was always counting the days to the next episode because it could be an adventure anywhere and at any time! The Tardis tends to take The Doctor and his companion(s) where they're needed and not necessarily where they want to go...and some episodes that seem, at first, like they'll just be complete filler can come back into play in the most surprising ways. It's honestly a fun ride (at least, through Season 7, which is just entirely my opinion.) I hope you do pick it up again!