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I think the point to this one really was to show how important Garnet is to the Gems, and not just for her fighting prowess (even though that is cool). For ex: Pearl said that Garnet "guides" them to their mission objectives with her "heightened perception"...then we find out that Garnet has a 3rd eye...hmm..... Also, it showed that a game like Meat Beat Mania (heehee) - where the aim of the game is to quickly anticipate the moves to stay on the beat - can tie up this ability so that (again, as Pearl said) they couldn't see the attack from the parasites coming. I gotta say, I really do appreciate these character building episodes (which really is what the first season is all about) and one of my favorite parts of Steven Universe is how they manage to reveal the world so gradually (and through Steven's eyes...which is why they all seem so episodic - he's a kid and every day is a new one to him!) that you almost don't realize it's happening. LOVING these, and really looking forward to the next one! This pair was aired to show more Crystal Gem character dev - this one was for Garnet, and the next one in the time slot almost always followed a similar theme or message.