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I promise I will get back to this one day.


Pamela Chandler Rash

Thank you for finding this and posting it. I really enjoyed it. Wilhelm's parents sent him away I think more for them than him. Taking care of your kid is only for the poor. Like the mom has to do her queen things but is dad is a duke, he could have just visited his kid on parents day. He was like the only kid without a parent there and the saddest part, he didn't look disappointed at all by it. Because he's so used to them not being there for him. Wilhelm telling Simon he wasn't like that and between saying he changed his mind, 7 minutes on the show. No, you were right Felice's mom isn't great. You can see where all her self confidence problems come from. As for Wilhelm's sexuailty he's just unlabeled, much like the actor. The actor that plays Wilhelm was 17 when they started filming. Omar (Simon) was 21. The other ages very but I think most were in between 18 and 21. I'm writing things down while I watch or I'll forget. It's hard when you feel bad for August because he's such an elitist and jerk. About Sara and keeping secrets, if Felice would have told her it was a secret about her riding her horse because Felice doesn't like to then she would have, she just didn't know. Simon knows his sister well enough to make sure she knows it's a secret about him and Wilhelm. The ending. Erik's death there is so much horrible in that one thing. Not only now Wilhelm is crown prince, he just lost the only one that gave a damn about him in his family. His parents didn't even call him during parents weekend(until the dead brother call) it was Erik that did. It was Erik that he was going to go home with until he made plans with Simon. Sweden is actually top of LGBTQ+ acceptance and equality. If I remember correctly after the show premiered the royal family said they would always accept a lgbtq+ member in their family. Who knows if that's true that they would though. Again thank you for finding this reaction and posting it. I loved it. I loved your August hate too. It's doesn't go away. Episode 4 is so wild. I do hope you come back to it sometime. I really enjoyed your reactions. Thank you.