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Hey there!  

Whyle good progress has bin made on part2, the early access has to be delayed by 1-2 weeks going into May. 

A big reason for that is as some of you may already have noticed, my MEGA account got terminated without warning and will not be restored no matter what i do. 

Which of my Videos did the trick after almost 3 years of using this service? ...i have no idea and they wont tell me. So im switching to Pixeldrain for now. That service seems to be very NSFW friendly, so the risk of another surprise nuke is quite low. However i now have to reupload over 3 years worth of content and edit all the corrosponding patreon posts. Some have to be rerendered in order to add the watermark. I have all Videos with all versions saved on my PC but a lot of the actual blend files for these projects are now gone. (These were all finished project files, none of the files for the current project have bin lost).

The second reason is something that i am personaly responsible for. Because i had an idea for a project that i just could not get out of my head. So i invested a lot of efford in a short period of time into a roughly 250 files large Resident Evil image set that can be viewed like a short story. I havent done one of these since i first started this patreon. The problem with that and the reason why i haven given it to you by now is that i whent full filters off on this. So it involves a lot of monsters and violence like you would see in these old studio FOW movies. Needless to say, i cant put this on patreon. So im thinking about uploading it on gumroad and provide you with a 100% discount code. You would have to serch it manualy tho since im not allowed to link directly to it.

Sorry for the further delay. I know some of you are not very interested in Resident Evil content or image sets in generell and this is not going to replace my main content. Work on Kaisa Part2 continues without any more distractions.   




Nah I love the Re stuff Claire is my favorite she’s badass


Down to see the RE stuff, what do I need to search


I'm a fan of Resident Evil, I'm a big fan of Studio FOW, and I subscribe to you because your work shows a lot of effort. Keep doing what your doing and take as long as you need. Quality takes time and I am patient.


It takes time and inspiration to make good work, and your work is good, which is rare. Looking forward to your next work.--google translate


Yes please go ahead with the gumroad idea that sounds great!


Is Mega using some kind of scanning software that got triggered somehow, or maybe was reported by a user.


I can´t watch the video by using your link :(

Eldritch Umbra

I'm excited to see your Resident Evil content, given that it's one of my favorite game series.

Tom Wilkinson

god, i love that position, and im so keen for this, looks amazing already!


Holy moly, pixeldrain sure is slow :o


I’m looking forward for Evelynn!




Any Update?


Still making progress at a good rate. My next post will be the early acces version of the animation.


I'll cry if you post this early.....🥴


any ETA on early access


No specific date but ill make sure to post part 2 in early access before the end of the month.


any news?


still working away at it. The animation process should be finished in roughly 1.5 days. Ill wait till the 31st before i post it so i can render out as many shots as possible.


So it will be out tomorrow right?