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Hello everyone🖤 I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support, and also share a little life update with you all.

First and foremost, I want to assure you that I am doing well, and there's no urgent emergency at this moment. However, I have an upcoming surgery scheduled in a month. I have hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which I could discuss further in a video if you're interested. This condition gives me the remarkable flexibility you might have noticed, but it also comes with various challenging side effects. These include frequent joint dislocations, blood circulation issues, digestive problems, a high heart rate, and, the main reason for my upcoming surgery, hernias.

In simple terms, I have two openings in my abdominal wall, and there's a risk that my intestines could become trapped there, leading to a severe lack of blood supply and potential necrosis. Given the increased risk with two hernias and the discomfort they cause, surgery is necessary.

While I'm not fearful of the procedure, I do feel a bit uneasy about taking a break from my work. Unfortunately, I will need to step back from shooting for a few days to focus on my recovery after the surgery.

Your support means the world to me, and if you'd like to learn more about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, I'm considering making a video to raise awareness and share my journey.

Thank you for your understanding and encouragement. Take care, and I'll keep you updated. 🖤




You poor princess! I had three major surgeries since 2020, and I know that immediately afterwards you feel like the pain is going to last for ever, but afterwards you're going to feel better than before the surgery, hopefully for a long time. It's just important that you take the time to recover and to tend to yourself. I hope you have close family and friends to look after you. It's so much easier to cope when you're not alone. Boa sorte!