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Hello everyone! Today I’ve got an update over a year in the making for my Savant Class!

For those that are unfamiliar, the Savant is an Intelligence-based, nonmagical, support class for 5e - a niche that I think is woefully underrepresented in the current game. After over a year of collecting play test feedback, I’m confident this update will make the class more fun to play, and more satisfying for DMs to run the game for.

As always, I’m open to any feedback or constructive criticism you may have!


P.S. - an update to the Savant: Expanded is coming later this week!


Savant Class v5.0.0

The major goal of this update was to make the Savant more satisfying to play in combat-focused games while reducing their (admittedly massive) ability for Intelligence-checks.

Adroit Analysis:
You now gain a once-per-turn damage bonus against your “Focus” (formerly “Mark”) and your Focus has disadvantage on attacks against you. The biggest change here - this no longer requires your concentration (but still blocks you from concentrating on other effects). Hopefully, this speeds up gameplay!

Genius Intellect:
You no longer add your Intellect Die to every  INT/WIS check and saving throw. Instead, you gain three abilities that key off your Intellect Die, and a common “Intellect save DC” for all the various Savant effects. These abilities improve at 11th level.

Sharp Mind:
A new feature at 2nd level that I think is comparable to the Rogue’s Cunning Action. Bonus action to Search, Help, or make an INT check!

The higher-level class features like Peerless Insights, Swift Reflexes, Predictive Expert, and Flawless Analysis have either been buffed, moved to earlier levels, or both to help the Savant keep up in high-level play.

Academic Disciplines:
The biggest changes overall for these have been the removal of “Expertise” as part of Student of ____, instead giving you an “always on” Intellect Die to specific/thematic ability checks. The levels you get subclass features have also been moved up.

  • Archaeologist has had some buffs to how they use magic items, improvements to how they interact with traps, and clarifications as to which sort of magic items they can recharge with Master Archaeologist.
  • Investigator has gotten some buffs to their Search action, capabilities in unarmed combat, and had their ability to “discombobulate” buffed!
  • Naturalist has been almost completely redesigned from the ground up so it is useful in more than just survival/exploration games.
  • Physician has had some solid streamlining done with its abilities so they work better with the rules of the game. They can also now use Healer’s Kits to actually heal people!
  • Tactician has been updated with the latest versions of Orders from my Warlord class, and was given some more martial capability with *Tactical Superiority*.

Scholarly Pursuits:
This system has seen significant change, and now augments your Savant’s abilities by granting proficiencies, “always on” Intellect Die rolls to certain abilities checks, and (hopefully) actually useful exploration/social features.


CHANGE LOG: Savant v4.7.0  ->  Savant v5.0.0


  • Major formatting updates!
  • Proficiencies // Weapons // Cut light crossbows (redundant). Added rapiers and whips.
  • Proficiencies // Tools // limited your tool proficiency to artisan’s tools.
  • Adroit Analysis // “Mark” changed to “Focus” (I think it’s more thematic?)
  • Adroit Analysis // Moved “disadvantage on attacks against you” here.
  • Adroit Analysis // Added bonus damage here (scales with Intellect Die).
  • Adroit Analysis // Ends if you are incapacitated or your Focus is hidden.
  • Adroit Analysis // Doesn’t use concentration, but no concentrating on on spells/effects.
  • Predictive Defense // INT for DEX limited to light/medium armor.
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Moved to 1st level. You start with 1.
  • Genius Intellect // Renamed (Wondrous Intellect) and Reworked. Grants you three sub-features: Calculated Flourish (NEW), Potent Observation (Reworked), Wondrous Insight (NEW). You no longer add your Intellect Die to all INT/WIS saves/checks.
  • Sharp Mind // NEW feature - bonus action Help/Search/INT checks. Special Help action.
  • Academic Disciplines // Discipline features moved to 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 15th levels.
  • Quick Study // CUT (now a Scholarly Pursuit)
  • Peerless Insights // NEW 5th level feature (replaced Flash of Brilliance).
  • Swift Reflexes // Renamed (Accelerated Reflexes). Cut INT to initiative bonus. You gain an additional reaction at 5th, 13th, and 18th levels.
  • Keen Awareness // Streamlined this feature. Moved INT to initiative here.
  • Flash of Brilliance // CUT
  • Predictive Expert // Moved down to 9th level.
  • Unrivaled Genius // NEW 11th level feature that buffs your Genius Intellect features.
  • Unyielding Will // Now grants adv. against charm and fear instead of “mental Evasion”.
  • Flawless Analysis // Renamed (Profound Insight) and Reworked.
  • Incomparable Intellect // Renamed (Undisputed Genius) Reworked second half.
  • Academic Disciplines // All // Student of ______ // These now grant an “always on” Intellect Die roll to the skills instead of double proficiency bonus (no Expertise).
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Instruction // Moved here from the Expanded Compendium.
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Perfect Recall // Added examples.
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Quick Study // NEW Scholarly Pursuit!
  • Scholarly Pursuits // 4th-level Prerequisite added to many Pursuits. These all grant (1) proficiency with a skill, (2) Intellect Die bonus to all checks with that skill, and (3) a special thematic ability related to that skill.
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Fencing // CUT (redundant with Calculated Flourish).
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Marksmanship // CUT (may return in Savant: Expanded).
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Physical Fitness // NEW Scholarly Pursuit!
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Skill Mastery // CUT (too meta-gamey).
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Theology // Moved here from Savant: Expanded. Reworked.


  • Archaeologist // Student of History // Second part changed to “objects you can touch”
  • Archaeologist // Adventuring Academic // Cut bonus action attack (moved to 6th level).
  • Archaeologist // Adventuring Academic // Intellect Die bonus to trap saving throws.
  • Archaeologist // Adventuring Academic // You can concentrate on magic item spells.
  • Archaeologist // Daring Determination // Intellect Die bonus to Dexterity saving throws and any ability check that has to do with traps. Bonus action attack moved here.
  • Archaeologist // Lore Master // “Legend Lore” feature reduced to 10 minutes. Allows you to use Intellect save DC for you magic items (unless the item’s was higher).
  • Archaeologist // Master Archaeologist // You must touch the item to restore charges, and the item must normally regain charges at dawn for this to work.


  • Investigator // Student of Truth // Cut “adv” on certain checks. Added additional bonuses to when you take the Search action.
  • Investigator // Rough & Tumble // Moved your knowledge of Theives’ Cant here. Replaced expanded crit range with Intellect Die unarmed strikes. Conditions imposed by this feature now only last until the start of your next turn.
  • Investigator // Devious Flourish // Renamed (Adept Defense). Reworked.
  • Investigator // Illicit Contacts // Renamed (Ear to the Ground). Grants adv on CHA checks while using Thieves’ Cant and a bonus thematic Scholarly Pursuit. Cut the last feature that disabled a creature from lying to you.
  • Investigator // Piercing Gaze // Renamed (Peerless Focus). Slightly tweaked.
  • Investigator // Master Investigator // Your Truesight is now 30 feet, but you get it in full.


  • Naturalist // This subclass was almost entirely reworked. Best to read it again!


  • Physician // Student of Medicine // Replaced Herbalism Kit proficiency with Sleight of Hand. The “analyze a disease feature” must be used on your Focus.
  • Physician // Combat Medic // Allows you to refill a Healer’s Kit at the end of each rest, and you can expend Healer’s Kit uses to heal when you use Combat Medic abilities.
  • Physician // Combat Medic // Adrenaline Jolt // Now explicitly names diseases. Bonus is now a roll of your Intellect Die (not your INT modifier).
  • Physician // Combat Medic // Dress Wounds // Temporary hit points work as normal, but you can’t use it on max HP creatures or creatures with temp HP from this feature.
  • Physician // Combat Medic // Healing Surge // Combined Stabilize with this feature.
  • Physician // Field Doctor // Reworked to make more sense w/ 5e rules.
  • Physician // Medicinal Expertise // Renamed (Expert Medic). Now function as buffs for Combat Medic that you can use unlimited times, but eventually with exhaustion.
  • Physician // Master Physician // Reworked.


  • Tactician // Student of War // Now gives weapon proficiencies and gaming set bonuses.
  • Tactician // Tactical Commander // Updated with latest version of Orders from Warlord. Replaced “Steadfast Order” with “Support Order” (redundant with Wondrous Insight).
  • Tactician // Strategic Superiority // Renamed (Unwavering) and Reworked.
  • Tactician // Tactical Genius // Renamed (Strategic Genius) and Reworked.
  • Tactician // Master Tactician // Cut second part (redundant with Strategic Superiority).

Patreon-Exclusive Disciplines

  • Engineer // Student of Military Science // Added Athletics and History as proficiencies. Added proficiency in non-heavy martial weapons. Cut bonus Scholarly Pursuit.
  • Engineer // Fortify Position // NEW feature.
  • Engineer // Sapping Strike // Standardized into a single “one round” effect.
  • Engineer // Military Superiority // NEW feature.
  • Engineer // Structural Reinforcement // Clarified how this works.
  • Engineer // Destabilizing Strike // Reworked around the new Potent Observation.
  • Engineer // Master Engineer // Charges now equal your Savant level, but the thunder damage per charge was reduced to one Intellect Die roll.
  • Occultist // Student of the Occult // Renamed (Student of the Forgotten). Clarified the bullet points on the second part of this feature.
  • Occultist // Occult Tome // Cleaned up the language around adding new Rituals and how your Channel Divinity works. You also now gain an Eldritch Invocation at 3rd level.
  • Occultist // Deeper Secrets // Renamed and reworked.
  • Occultist // Words of Malice // This only works on necrotic damage from this feature.
  • Tinker // Student of Innovation // Added two tools of your choice. Cut Intellect Die increase in favor of moving Flexible Expertise here (now linked with Quick Study).
  • Tinker // Spark of Invention // Better clarified how you regain your Sparks.
  • Tinker // Improved Mechanics // Clarified how this works. You now have “Reliable Talent” on your Student of Innovation tool checks.
  • Tinker // Master Tinker // You now have a scorpion robot.
  • Voyager // Renamed (Explorer).
  • Voyager // Student of Adventure // Renamed (Student of the Journey).
  • Voyager // Student of Adventure // Grants proficiency in Athletics and Nature. Added proficiency in cartographer’s tools. Removed swimming speed.
  • Voyager // Fate-Touched // Reworked.
  • Voyager // Adept Adventurer // NEW feature.
  • Voyager // Canny Explorer // Renamed (Navigator’s Luck). Now works with Fate Dice.
  • Voyager // Fortuitous Observation // Now works with Fate Dice.
  • Wheelwright // Updated - but this is now a legacy subclass (much too niche).


The Savant Class by laserllama

The Savant Class by laserllama - Created with GM Binder.


Jeff Potato

The Archaologist's Adventuring Academic ability says: "You can concentrate on spells you cast with magic items." Is this meant to allow you to concentrate on such spells even when you have a Focus?