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Hi all! I’m happy to share what I think is a pretty solid update to the Alternate Rogue class. Like my other “Alternate Classes”, the goal of this Rogue is to increase its options both in and out of combat without making the class overpowered. The goal is Paladin levels of influence/power.

As always, I’m open to any constructive criticisms and feedback you have!



Notable changes/updates this time around include:

Cunning Strike has been moved up to 5th level (thanks for permission OneDND)! Now most Archetypes provide unique options for Cunning Strike, and every Archetype has at least one Archetype Exploit that interacts with this feature.

Ruthless is a new feature that builds on Cunning Strike at 11th level, increasing the potency of your Sneak Attack - When you only have one attack you gotta make it count!

Stroke of Luck, your capstone, has been buffed to be an auto-20 on a d20 roll.



Arcane Trickster has had its capstone, Spellthief buffed to give more cool options.

Assassin has undergone a major rework. Assassinate should hopefully be easier to setup with some teamwork, your infiltration/mimicry features have all been compressed down into Infiltrator and Impostor, and you are now a master of poisons!

Swashbuckler is now included as one of the base four Archetypes, and they’ve gained some unique interactions with Cunning Strike to charm and taunt their foes.

Thief had the “cost” of Quick Fingers pickpocketing lowered, Supreme Sneak allows you to attempt to hide after an attack through Cunning Strike, Treasure Lore now explicitly allows you to Use an Object with magic items, and Quick Reflexes grants you a second bonus action or a second reaction!

Devious Exploits have been reworked and standardized in the same way my other Alternate Martial classes have been: The degree of various Exploits has been adjusted to reflect their power, some Exploits now scale with multiple dice, and any Exploit that allows you to create something (ie: alchemical oil) doesn’t let you regain the die until it Is used.

Additional Archetypes. NEW in this update - Alternate versions of the Archetypes from Xanathar’s & Tasha’s: Inquisitive, Mastermind, Phantom, Scout, and Soulknife!



  • Major Art & Formatting updates!
  • Misc // Added links to Alt Rogue: Expanded
  • Devious Exploits // Clarified you can only use one Exploit per reaction as well.
  • Cunning Strike // Moved up to 5th level (thank you for permission OneDND). Clarified.
  • Ruthless // NEW 11th level feature that incorporates Steady Aim.
  • Arcane Trickster // Arcane Distraction // Clarified how this works.
  • Arcane Trickster // Spell Thief // Reworked - added a second effect!
  • Assassin // Assassinate // Renamed (Deadly Strike). Buffed up!
  • Assassin // Assassin Exploits // Adjusted with Exploit changes.
  • Assassin // Infiltrator // Compressed all of the Assassin’s infiltration/mimicry abilities down into one feature. Your disguises also now use your Exploit save DC.
  • Assassin // Deadly Blade // New feature! Moved re-rolling critical hit 1s here. Also allows you to use Cunning Strike to poison creatures.
  • Assassin // Impostor // Reworked (hopefully its more useful).
  • Duelist // RETIRED // Redundant - now a Patreon-exculsive legacy Archetype.
  • Swashbuckler // Promoted to a “core” Archetype and given full Alternate treatment!
  • Thief // Nimble // Renamed (Thief’s Reflexes).
  • Thief // Quick Fingers // Renamed (Sticky Fingers) Reworked. Only costs 1d6 from Sneak Attack, but dropped the Advantage on Sleight of Hand.
  • Thief // Thief Exploits // Adjusted with Exploit changes.
  • Thief // Supreme Sneak // You can use Cunning Strike to Hide.
  • Thief // Treasure Lore // Explicitly added using magic items with “Use an Object”.
  • Thief // Quick Reflexes // Reworked -grants you another Cunning Action.
  • Exploits // CUT // Burglar’s Finesse, Operative’s Cunning
  • Exploits // 1st // Arresting Strike // Renamed (Crippling Strike)
  • Exploits // 1st // Cunning Instinct // NEW
  • Exploits // 1st // Subtle Con // Renamed (Charlatan’s Guile)
  • Exploits // 1st // Feint // Reworked to be closer to the Battle Master version.
  • Exploits // 1st // First Aid // No longer requires a reaction or Hit Die, but now grants temporary hit points. Scales with multiple Dice.
  • Exploits // 1st // Inquisitive Eye // Renamed (Keen Observation). Dropped Perception.
  • Exploits // 1st // Lightstep // Moved to base class. No longer works with Initiative rolls.
  • Exploits // 1st // Mechanical Insight // NEW
  • Exploits // 1st // Modify Trap // Moved down to 1st-level, added thieves’ tools prerequisite, now increases the DC by 5 OR sets it equal to your Exploit save DC.
  • Exploits // 1st // Quick Quip // Can now also be picked up with an INT of 11.
  • Exploits // 1st // Reinforce Lock // Moved down to 1st-level, added tinker’s tools prerequisite, now increases DC by 5 OR sets it equal to your Exploit save DC
  • Exploits // 1st // Roguish Charm // Creatures you are fighting have advantage on their save.
  • Exploits // 1st // Rustic Intuition // NEW
  • Exploits // 1st // Scholarly Recall // Renamed (Scholar’s Insight). Replaced Nature w/ History.
  • Exploits // 2nd // Alchemical Oil // You can’t regain your Exploit Die until you use the oil.
  • Exploits // 2nd // Blinding Debris // Moved up to 2nd-degree. Added DEX prerequisite.
  • Exploits // 2nd // Craft Minor Poison // You can’t regain this Exploit Die until you use the poison.
  • Exploits // 2nd // Crippling Strike // Renamed (Suppressing Strike).
  • Exploits // 2nd // Dirty Hit // Limited to melee attacks, now knocks the target prone.
  • Exploits // 2nd // Grasp of Night // Reworked how this scales.
  • Exploits // 2nd // Survey Dungeon // You discover spells based on your INT modifier.
  • Exploits // 3rd // Craft Greater Poison // Now scales with multiple Exploit Dice, but you can’t regain any dice you spent until you use the poison.
  • Exploits // 4th // Craft Advanced Poison // Scales with multiple Exploit Dice. You don’t regain the Exploit Dice until you expend the poison.
  • Exploits // 5th // Craft Masterwork Poison // Scales with multiple Exploit Dice. You don’t regain your Exploit Dice until you expend the poison.
  • Exploits // 5th // Mortal Blow // NEW Exploit!
  • Exploits // 5th // Trickster’s Blessing // Now works anytime you take the Hide action.
  • Inquisitive // NEW Alternate Roguish Archetype!
  • Mastermind // NEW Alternate Roguish Archetype!
  • Phantom // NEW Alternate Roguish Archetype!
  • Scout // NEW Alternate Roguish Archetype!
  • Soulknife // NEW Alternate Roguish Archetype!
  • Edgelord // NEW Patron-exclusive Roguish Archetype (I promise it’s not a joke)
  • Falconer // Bird of Prey // Updated stat block to be in line with my other “companions”. Cut skills and saving throws in favor of Falconer’s Bond.
  • Falconer // Falconer Exploits // Adjusted with Exploit changes.
  • Falconer // Falconer’s Training // Added Nature proficiency and greatly increased the scenarios where you can apply your Exploit Die bonus (really anything that flies).
  • Falconer // Avian Bond // Renamed (Falconer’s Bond). Clarified how this works.
  • Falconer // Primal Hunter // Renamed (Savage Hunter). Reworked. Added Evasion for the Bird. Added the ability to forgo damage to attempt to blind a creature it attacks.
  • Falconer // Falconer of Legend // Reworked to give the Bird its own Sneak Attack lite.
  • Troubadour // Spellcasting // Now links to the Alternate Bard - I recommend using that spell list (mainly because it’s a better version of the basic Bard spell list).
  • Troubadour // Poetic Inspiration // Renamed (Troubadour’s Inspiration). Now a reaction that scales with Exploit Die. CHA mod free uses per long rest, then use Exploit Dice.
  • Troubadour // Soothing Performance // Now scales with your Exploit Die.
  • Troubadour // Hopeless Romantic // Renamed
  • Troubadour // Poetic Assault // Updated to work with Sneak Attack.


Alternate Rogue by laserllama

Alternate Rogue by laserllama - Created with GM Binder.



What’s your idea when balancing the amount of exploit die these alternate classes get? Are you assuming parties take a short rest after every fight?


Not exactly - the number of dice comes from the Alternate Fighter. If an Alt Fighter uses all of their dice for damage (ie: ruthless strike) and they get the DMG recommended two short rests per day, then they deal the same amount of damage as a Paladin that uses all of their spell slots on Divine Smite. Alt Rogue/Barbarian/Warlord all have smaller Exploit Dice because (1) Exploits are the central feature of the Fighter, and (2) they have other features to close the gap (ie: Sneak Attack, Rage).