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Hey all! I’m back with an update to my Magus Class!

The Magus is my take on the ever-popular homebrew arcane half-caster “spellsword” class. As the Paladin is to Cleric and Ranger is to Druid, so the Magus is to the Wizard (at least that’s the idea)! On the spectrum of martial skill and arcane power, it looks something like this:   Standard Fighter - Eldritch Knight - Magus - Bladesinger - Standard Wizard  As always, I’m open to any feedback or constructive criticisms you may have!


MAGUS v3.0.0!

Not a ton of major changes in this update, but (I think) I made a lot of good quality-of-life updates to streamline the class and bring it more in line with official 5e classes (which is always my goal).

Arcane Armory. Has been simplified (it gave too much at 1st level), and I’ve clarified how this ability works in game - no “pocket dimension”, and how it works with dispel magic and other similar abilities. Also, it scales with your INT modifier!

Spellsight. Has been streamlined in the same way. It is no longer just “you get detect magic”, but is now its own spelled-out feature that is “always on”. You can focus it (expending uses) to learn specific information.

Fighting Styles. Piloting some new options here! Mainly a new version of Protection and Versatile Fighting.

Spellstrike. The signature ability of the Magus has been reined in a bit. No more loading all your weapons up and going “Nova” with a two-weapon fighting build. However, I’ve made a few small changes that I hope will alleviate the pain of the change - AoE spells now create a small cone, and you can use a STR/DEX save DC for spells that require a save when used with Spellstrike.

Patron-Exclusive Orders. Also included here are the exclusive Order of Crimson Knights and a new exclusive subclass, the Order of the Aurora!


Change Log - Magus v3.0.0

  • General // Cleaned up phrasing/grammar, art, and formatting updates!
  • Arcane Armory // Reworked - total items scale with 1 + your INT mod, removed special bonuses to shields and armor (too much at 1st level).
  • Arcane Armory // Added blurb describing how to “dispel” the enchantment.
  • Spellsight // Reworked so it is “always on”, but you have to focus your sense on an object or creature to learn more information.
  • Fighting Style // Protection // Reworked.
  • Fighting Style // Shield Warrior // NEW Fighting Style (for the Magus)!
  • Fighting Style // Versatile Fighting // Reworked.
  • Spellcasting // Clarified you can change out a spell when you gain a level.
  • Spellcasting // Spells Known // Shifted back a level so you can learn a spell at most levels (accounting for your Order Spells).
  • Spellstrike // Bonus action to imbue a spell until the end of your turn, but you don’t spend a spell slot unless you hit.
  • Spellstrike // Area of Effect // AoE spells turn in 15-foot cones.
  • Spellstrike // Saving throws // Initial save DC is based on STR or DEX.
  • Arcane Strikes // Reworked - Allows spells to be imbued in weapons until you spend them. While spells are imbued the weapon deals a bonus 1d8 damage.
  • Mystic Aegis // Aegis dice grow to d10’s, clarified spell slot regain.
  • Blade of the Magi // Renamed (Greater Spellsunder). You can use Spellsunder once per turn without expending resources. The second effect only works if you are using an Arcane Armory weapon.
  • Arcanists // Arcanist’s Armory // Now adds INT mod extra slots.
  • Arcanists // Astral Step // Explicitly includes Spellstrike casting.
  • Arcane Archers // Spell list swap limited to Druid/Sorcerer evocation spells.
  • Arcane Archers // Arcane Quiver // Cut bullet about recalling ammunition (as you wouldn’t waste a spell slot on a miss with the new Spellstrike).
  • Arcane Archers // Enchanted Shot // Cut first paragraph - mundane ammunition fired from a magic bow is considered to be magical as per 5e errata. Clarified the second paragraph.
  • Arcane Archers // Ranged Transposition // No longer destroys the ammunition.
  • Arcane Archers // Elite Archer // Cleaned up language.
  • Blade Dancers // Blade Dancer Spells // Added misty step (magic weapon).
  • Blade Dancers // Evasion // Split off from Iron Aegis (Improved Blade Dance).
  • Blade Dancers // Iron Aegis // Reworked to work with your Aegis.
  • Scales // Draconic Companion // Cleaned up the wording, moved some stat block stuff into the feature, reworked how bringing it back from death works.
  • Scales // Draconic Companion Stat Block // Alignment is now Lawful Neutral, reduced its AC by 1, increased speed to 20 ft., and moved hit dice into the features.
  • Scales // Wyrmsoul // You can only speak/understand draconic (not read).
  • Scales // Grand Dragon Knight // Renamed (Grand Dragon Rider). Your Companion is now permanently using the Young Red Dragon stat block.
  • Sentinel // Aegis of the Guardian // Now grants you and your Ward temp hit points equal to your INT mod.
  • Sentinel // Bond Perfected // Also suppresses charm/fear while in range.
  • Sentinel // High Sentinel // Reworked/Buffed.
  • Shades // Renamed (Order of the Eclipse).
  • Shades // Shade Spells // Limited to the Warlock/Wizard spell lists.
  • Shades // One with the Darkness // Renamed (Hour of the Eclipse). Buffed!
  • Spell List // Cut false life (redundant with armor of agathys) and arcane hand.
  • Spells // Torrent // Advantage starts with Huge creatures now.
  • Spells // Aura of Frost // Radius reduced to 10 feet. Doesn’t affect you.
  • Spells // Chromatic Blade // Now adds your Spellcasting modifier on hit.
  • Spells // Corrosive Bolt // Base AC reduction is now -2, increased damage to 4d10.
  • Spells // Sonic Wave // Now also knocks prone on a failed save.
  • Spells // Vorpal Blade // Slightly reworked. Can no longer be upcast.


Have fun slinging spells and swinging swords!



The Magus Class by laserllama

The Magus Class by laserllama - Created with GM Binder.



so with the new spell strike if i use cloud of daggers its not longer applied TO the creature its just casted as normal?


and the new spell sight. with it being passive, i can look at a item and go "yep that has magic"


I'd rule that cloud of daggers would appear/take effect in the creature's space on hit, then stay there.