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Hi all! Today I’m excited to share an update for my Alternate Sorcerer project! It’s been over a year since I’ve revisited this, so I thought it was due for some TLC.

For those unfamiliar with this project, the Alternate Sorcerer is my effort to make the Sorcerer Class feel like the font of arcane power they are meant to be. While balanced, it’s my opinion that the mechanics of Player’s Handbook Sorcerer fall short of the fantasy it is trying to capture.

As always, I’m open to any constructive criticism and feedback you have!

The Alternate Sorcerer

Using a modified version of the Spell Point Variant rule from the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Alternate Sorcerer is a flexible master of arcane magic. Combine the flexibility of Sorcery Points and a multitude of Metamagic Abilities to become the arcane artist you were always meant to be!

This version includes four elemental subclasses: Emberheart (fire), Stoneblood (earth), Stormsoul (air), and Waveborn (water). Along with Alternate versions of all the official Sorcerous Origins - now with Origin Spell lists!

Change log - v3.3.0

  • General // Grammar, spelling, formatting, and art updates!
  • Sorcery // Spells Known // Increased to account for Innate Arcanum change.
  • Innate Arcanum // Renamed (Sorcerous Arcanum). Now these function as normal spell slots, but can be converted down into Sorcery Points.
  • Stoneblood // Heart of Earth // Unarmed strike damage taken down one step.
  • Stoneblood // Crushing Blow // Only works on unarmed strikes, 1d6 per SP
  • Stormsoul // Stormborn // No longer requires you to cast a spell, but the range is reduced to 10 feet (instead of 15 feet).
  • Stormsoul // Storm Guide // Merged with Stormborn.
  • Waveborn // Heart of Water // Dropped cold resistance (moved to Watery Resilience at 6th). Limited “dark vision” to work only while you are underwater.
  • Waveborn // Frozen Curse // Renamed (Curse of the Depths) now allows you to target multiple creatures by spending multiple Sorcery Points.
  • Waveborn // Oceanic Resilience // Renamed (Watery Resilience). Added cold damage resistance here.
  • Waveborn // Watery Form // Renamed (Flowing Form). Attached this feature to the Dash action and 1 Sorcery Point. Removed watery tendril.
  • Waveborn // Primordial Deluge // Removed critical hit immunity, added a buff to your Watery Form and Oceanic Resilience.
  • Spell List // Added // blade ward, command
  • Spell List // Removed // ray of enfeeblement


Alternate Sorcerer by laserllama

The pale half-elf muttered an incantation under his breath, and his shadow came alive, taking the form of a massive wolf. The shadow beast pounced on the foolish bandit that had dared attack him, and pinned him to the ground. The pallid sorcerer spoke another incantation, and orbs of pulsing arcane acid formed in his hands.



A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one