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Hey all, a follow-up post to my Savant Class Update I posted last week, the Savant: Expanded! Check out the most up-to-date version of this compendium for the greatest geniuses in 5e.

Roleplaying Quirks. I’ve always found tables like this to be a lot of fun when building a character, so I thought I’d include a few Savant-themed ones for your pleasure. See if you can spot the Easter eggs!

Scholarly Feats. It is no secret that the Intelligence-based Feats in the *Player’s Handbook* leave a lot to be desired. Included here are six new Feats that will hopefully alleviate that problem!

Magic Items. I create a lot of magic items for my home games, so I thought I’d try my hand at creating some for the Savant. I’m definitely open to feedback on these as this is my first public foray into magic item creation!

Culinarian. A bit of a strange concept thematically, but the “Monster Chef” is an archetype I’ve seen a lot of homebrewers try their hand at, so here is my take! Collect Samples and create Recipes in the same way a Wizard collects spells!

Orator. Move over College of Eloquence Bards, there is a new king of facts and logic in town! Play as a politician, lawyer, or general master of the spoken word.

Philosopher. What if Aristotle or Thomas Aquinas lived in the Forgotten Realms? This is my take on the non-magical “pure thinker” who has mastered *Words of Power*.

Rune Carver. Based on the old UA Prestige Class, become a master of ancient Runic magic with this Academic Discipline. Pairs great with the Rune Knight!

Scholarly Pursuits. A new addition to the Savant in the last update, I’ve included eight additional “Invocation-like” options for your genius to master! These are a little more niche than the base options, but I think they are fun nonetheless.

Changelog v4.7.1

  • General // Changed features to work with the base Savant Class
  • Personality & Quirks // Moved “Good Luck Charms” here from the base class.
  • Feats // Master Linguist // Cut (Now the Linguistics Scholarly Pursuit)
  • Feats // Quick Student // Renamed (Expert Learner)
  • Magic Items // Doctoral Robes // Changed AC calculation, rebalanced features
  • Magic Items // Staff of the Headmaster // NEW!
  • Culinarian // Minor adjustments
  • Philosopher // Words of Power // saving throws are at the end of each creature’s turn.
  • Philosopher // Unwavering Will // Reworked
  • Scholarly Pursuits // Seven NEW options (and Meditation).


The Savant: Expanded by laserllama

The savant is an Intelligence-based, non-magical class that focuses on gathering information and supporting their allies. Provided here are a multitude of additional savant options: Personality & Quirks. Use these roleplaying tables to randomly determine your savant's quirks and personality, take what you like, or use the options here for inspiration Scholarly Feats.


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