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Happy Tuesday all! Today I’m posting an update for my favorite homebrew creation - the Savant Class! After collecting another 6 months of playtest feedback I am happy to share the 4.7.0 Savant update.

The Savant & Multiclassing. Now that Adroit Analysis requires concentration, it reduces the potency of some of the more multiclasses (Savant/Bladesinger).

Savant MADness. Almost every reference to ability scores other than Intelligence has been scrubbed from class features. Predictive Defense allows you to use INT in place of DEX when calculating AC (STRavants now viable?!). The semi-reliance on Wisdom has also been removed (and replaced with more interesting features).

Intellect Dice. This is now a scaling die - no long an expendable resource. As part of Wondrous Intellect, you add this bonus to all your INT/WIS checks and saves, and also your damage rolls against your Mark.

Scholarly Pursuits. It was only a matter of time before I gave the Savant an Invocation-esque system! These Pursuits scratch the itch of some scholarly thematic concepts that aren’t quite strong enough for a full subclass.

Archaeologist. This subclass got some major TLC, hopefully making them more fun in-game, and less reliant on your DM giving you magic items.


  • Proficiencies // Removed hand crossbows, rapiers, and whips.
  • Starting Equipment // Removed the rapier option
  • Adroit Analysis // Rewrote phrasing with the “Mark” keyword. Now requires your concentration. Small changes to the list of characteristics you can learn.
  • Perfect Recall // Added back in!
  • Predictive Defense // NEW feature (replaced Unarmored Defense)
  • Scholarly Pursuits // NEW feature!
  • Wondrous Intellect // Combined and Intellect Dice & old Potent Observation.
  • Quick Wit // Merged back into Adroit Analysis
  • Accelerated Reflexes // Removed Ready action on initiative (became part of Keen Awareness), instead, you add INT to your initiative rolls.
  • Quick Study // NEW feature (replaced Expert Student).
  • Keen Awareness // Added options for your reaction on initiative rolls!
  • Expert Educator // Removed!
  • Flash of Brilliance // NEW feature!
  • Predictive Expert // NEW feature!
  • Potent Observation // Renamed (previously Flawless Observation)
  • Unyielding Will // Reworked Charisma saves and a “mental Evasion” feature.
  • Profound Insight // Reworked - Have some fun with your DM with this one!
  • Undisputed Genius // Removed Wisdom, added advantage on Intellect Dice.
  • Archaeologist // Adventuring Academic // Reworked this ability to be useful.
  • Archaeologist // Daring Determination // Cut the interaction between your Mark and opportunity attacks. Moved Dexterity Wondrous Intellect buff here.
  • Archaeologist // Lore Master // Clarified that it is possible for you to learn nothing. Removed the 17th level buff. Added a buff to magic item save DC.
  • Archaeologist // Master Archaeologist // Clarified that you can only recharge magic items that regain charges at the end of a long rest.
  • Investigator // Student of Truth // Added the ability to use INT with Insight and a bonus to your Passive Perception score equal to your INT.
  • Investigator // Rough & Tumble // Reworked around Wondrous Intellect
  • Investigator // Adroit Defense // Reworked.
  • Investigator // Ear to the Ground // Added a ribbon ability around lying
  • Investigator // Peerless Focus // Streamlined and Reworked
  • Investigator // Master Investigator // Clarified how your Truesight works.
  • Naturalist // Student of Nature // You can now use INT for Survival checks
  • Naturalist // Survivalist // Is now a Strength save to escape your Snares
  • Naturalist // Master Naturalist // Buffed Call of the Wild
  • Tactician // Student of War // Added persuasion proficiency and a free Scholarly Pursuit from a limited (martial focused) list.
  • Tactician // Tactical Commander // Removed temp hit points on Orders


The Savant Class by laserllama

An elf cleaned her glasses with the corner of her cloak as the dust settled. The emperor had paid her a large sum to locate this forgotten place, and after months of pouring over ancient maps, she had pieced together the one-lost location of the primeval temple.


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