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Hey everyone, after the overwhelming amount of interest and feedback that I got for the 1.0 version of the Alternate Barbarian I decided to go ahead and make some updates to the class! Details are below, but thank you to everyone who read over the first version - I’m always open to any constructive criticisms and feedback you may have!

PDF is attached below

Clarifications/Minor Changes. Clarified a number of class features and made them a little friendlier in how they work: Rage, Reckless Attack, your Exploit Save DC, Critical Strike, and Persistent Rage.

Differentiating the Alt Barbarian and Fighter. This was a big (and justified) pain point! My eventual goal is to have Exploits be the mechanic that ties marital classes together (in a similar way to spellcasting). However, (like spellcasting) my hope is that each class’s Exploit List will differentiate them. In that spirit, I’ve made some major revisions to the Exploits available to the Barbarian and removed a number of Exploits that I “borrowed” from the Alternate Fighter.

Relentless at 20th level has also been removed - let's save that for the Alternate Fighter!

Alternate Primal Paths. Included at the end of the Alternate Barbarian are Primal Exploits and New/Updated abilities for the four Primal Paths released after the Player’s Handbook: the Ancestral Guardian, Battlerager, Storm Herald, and Zealot!

Full Changelog 1.0.0 --> 1.1.0

  • Rage // Clarified how it ends.
  • Unarmored Defense // Reverted back to 10 + DEX + CON (you can use shields).
  • Reckless Attack // Now you can start Recklessly attacking at any point during your turn.
  • Savage Exploits // Your Exploit Save DC can be based on your STR or DEX.
  • Critical Strike // Now is just a free Exploit as part of that hit (same thing with clearer language).
  • Persistent Rage // Clarified that your Rage lasts indefinitely.
  • Relentless // Removed (not needed with how often you’ll crit).
  • Berserker // Berserker Exploits // Adjusted due to Exploit list changes.
  • Berserker // Frenzied Rage // Reverted back to bonus action attack, you can use this once for free, then after that you get a level of exhaustion.
  • Brute // Brutish Exploits // Adjusted due to Exploit list changes.
  • Champion // Champion Exploits // Adjusted due to Exploit list changes.
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Exploits // Adjusted due to Exploit list changes.
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Spirit // Fixed Eagle Totem.
  • Exploits // REMOVED // commander’s presence, crippling strike, resolute, survivalist’s craft, sweeping strike (1st), crushing strike, heroic will, intimidating command, suppressing strike, whirlwind strike (2nd), banishing strike (5th)
  • Exploits // NEW // feral senses, primal intuition, imposing presence (1st), bloodthristy critical, crippling critical (2nd), savage defiance (3rd),
  • Exploits // Concussive Blow // Reworked.
  • Exploits // Savage Rebuke // Moved up to 2nd-degree
  • Exploits // War Cry // Now only effects hostile creatures!
  • Exploits // Ringing Strike // Renamed devastating critical
  • Exploits // Strength of the Colossus // Added example text.
  • Alt Ancestral Guardian // NEW! Added Ancestral Exploits, updated Spirit Shield to scale with your Exploit Die.
  • Alt Battlerager // NEW! Added Battlerager Exploits, gave proficiency (and ability to Rage) in heavy armor, updated Battlerager Armor to scale with your Exploit Die.
  • Alt Storm Herald // NEW! Added Heraldic Exploits, Storm Aura and Raging Storm scale with your Exploit Die, added a new feature to allow your Exploits to deal elemental damage.
  • Alt Zealot // NEW! Added Zealous Exploits, changed Divine Fury so it scales with your Exploit Die.


Alternate Barbarian by laserllama

The massive half-orc let out a blood- curdling battle cry as he leaped from the roof onto the back of the gargantuan blue dragon. As the great foe flew into the sky, he gripped the dragon's spines with a near-supernatural level of strength.



I like the idea of all martial classes getting exploits to make up for caster classes getting spells. can we expect an alternate rogue at some point on the horizon, then?


Eventually, yes. I've still gotta think about how I'd incorporate Exploits into the Rogue without making them too strong. A bit of a challenge as I think they are one of the best designed classes in the game!


Do you have any plans to convert other Paths to work with the Alternate Barbarian?


I do! Eventually (!) I'll create an "Alternate Barbarian: Expanded" document that will include Alternate versions of all nine of my homebrew Primal Paths, some more "magical" Exploits, and maybe a few Feats and homebrew Magic Items.