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Hey all, as per usual I'm excited to share my latest update with you all. I finally buckled down and read the entirety of Warlord material from 4e, and I gotta say, I can see why people loved this class so much - the concept is awesome!

This 2.0.0 update was my attempt to bring my Warlord closer to what the Warlord was in editions past (ie: just 4e). I've added in a system of "Tactical Exploits" similar to that of my Alternate Fighter - I hope you like it! It allowed me to include some of the cooler Warlord powers from 4e, and some new abilities of my own creation!

I've also included TWO Patron-exclusive subclasses this time around - The Psionic College Battleminds, and the totally not evil College of Dreadlords!

As always, I'm open to any feedback or constructive criticism you may have!

Change log v2.0.0:

  • Multiclassing // Added the rules for multiclassing with Exploits
  • Class Features // Skills // Replaced Medicine with Deception
  • Leadership Style // Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma-based abilities instead of being forced into a Charisma. Charisma mod abilities now use this.
  • Cunning Insight // Cut. Worked into the Mentor Leadership Style
  • Battlefield Tactics // Reworked into Tactical Exploits
  • Eye for Talent // Cut.
  • Inspiring Word // Separated out from the Orders (used to be Rallying Order)
  • Fighting Style // Classical Swordplay // Reduced AC bonus to +1
  • Fighting Style // Dual Wielding // Cut
  • Tactical Exploits // Battlefield Tactics (and the higher level “Tactics” features have been completely reworked into an Exploit system that allows you to choose the Exploits and Orders that your Warlord will learn. Moved to 2nd level.
  • College of War // Added College Exploits, 7th level feature moved to 6th level, 13th level feature moved to 14th level.
  • Iron Sharpens Iron // Cut and replaced with Rallying Word
  • Unwavering Will // Moved up to 10th level.
  • Rested and Ready // Cut. Worked into various subclass features.
  • Exemplary Leadership // New feature at 11th level.
  • Stately Presence // Cut (worked into the Commander Leadership Style)
  • Warlord of Legend // New 20th level feature (Dauntless Leader got worked in).
  • Chivalry // Chivalric Pursuits // removed the musical instrument
  • Chivalry // Simplified Emboldening Presence and Noble Aspirations.
  • Chivalry // Chivalric Bearing // Cut (now they get Commander’s Presence)
  • Ferocity // Thrill of the Hunt // Now costs an Exploit Die
  • Skalds // Soothing Performance // Now creatures regain additional hit points equal to your Leadership modifier.
  • Tactics // Tactical Preparation // 3rd level abilities condensed down to one. No Signature Exploits, but you prepare your Exploits each day.
  • Tactics // Secret Gambit // Renamed. Given a clarification blurb.
  • Tactical Exploits // 31 NEW Tactical Exploits for the Warlord!


The Warlord Class by laserllama

As the aging man struggled to keep up with his companions, he started to regret his decision to join the young adventurers. His days of glory had long since passed, but hearing the poorly devised plan of the aspiring heroes had awoken something inside him that he had thought was gone forever.


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