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Hey all, I'm excited to publish my latest update to my compendium of subclasses for the Wizard! Such a simple class, but such a classic archetype. Which makes it simultaneously fun and difficult to design evocative subclasses for. Enjoy!

Hedge Magic, Ritualist, Schools of Biomancy and Hexcraft - No updates here, I feel like these subclasses are good to go.

Familiarist (NEW) - I've always thought it'd be cool to have a wizard that was really into their familiar. This is my take on it - not sure if it's super broken or woefully underpowered, let me know what you think!

School of Alchemy (NEW?) - I hate to toot my own horn, but I really like my fixes for the Alchemist Artificer, so I thought I'd give it a shot at porting those mechanics over to the Wizard class. Again, I'd love feedback on this one.

School of Chronomancy (Update) - Minor clarifications to the capstone ability.

School of Hemomancy (Update) - Expanded the Hemomancy Savant feature so you can learn spells from other classes that are thematic to a blood mage.

School of Metallurgy (Update) - Minor buffs to the Arcanometal Adept feature.

School of Theurgy (NEW) - My take on the defunct UA wizard subclass that gives them access to the Cleric goodies. This one is limited so you can't become a healer. THE WIZARD CAN"T DO IT ALL.


Wizard Arcane Traditions by laserllama

At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition feature. The following options are available to a wizard along with those in the Players Handbook: Hedge Magic, Familiarist, Ritualist, and the formal Schools of Alchemy, Biomancy, Chronomancy, Hemomancy, Hexcraft, Metallurgy, and Theurgy.


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