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Hey all, back with a rather large update for my Alternate Monk class! This update includes some changes to the base class and two NEW Monastic Traditions based on the subclasses in *Xanathar’s Guide to Everything*: Way of the Drunken Fist (Drunken Master) and the Way of the Wuxia (Kensei). This update also comes with the first public release of the Alternate Monk: Expanded!

Change log

Misc // Art & Formatting updates

Flurry of Blows // Can only be used when you take the attack action and make unarmed strikes. 11th level improvement changed.

Monastic Traditions // added Signature Techniques for each Tradition

Slow Fall & Deflect Missiles // Now Techniques

Enlightened Fist // Now only unarmed strikes are magical (make way for the Wuxia)!

Stillness of Mind // Merged with Spirit of Tranquility

Way of the Drunken Fist // NEW Tradition based on the Way of the Drunken Master.

Open Hand // 3rd level features completely reworked. Ebb and Flow’s speed reduction given a duration. Empowered Strike renamed to Open Hand Strike

Radiance // Spirit of Light has been removed. Luminous Burst now explicitly lets you cast radiant fireball. Grand Master grants immunity to radiant damage and blinding.

Reaper // Armor of the Grave costs 1 additional Ki each time you use it

Shadow Arts // Cloak of Shadow allows you to remain invisible if opportunity attacks miss. Grand Master of Shadows buffs all subclass features.

Way of the Wuxia // NEW Tradition based on the Way of the Kensei

Techniques // All Strike Techniques can only be used with melee attacks. Empowered Strike can knock back UP TO 5x your WIS mod feet. Patient Defense can be used for free at 11th level. Deflect Missiles can spend Ki to deflect spells at 11th level. Armor of the Ascetic happens at the end of every rest


Alternate Monk: Expanded by laserllama

In the 5e community, the monk is widely regarded as falling short of the fantasy it tries to capture. The Alternate Monk strives to capture the fantasy of playing a master of martial arts. Included here are more options for the Alternate Monk: Additional Techniques.


Jeff Potato

Way of the Open Hand's Grand Master of the Open Hand says "When you use Flurry of Fists you make two additional unarmed strikes as part of that action instead of one." I can't find a "Flurry of Fists" anywhere, though. Did the name of something get changed in editing? My best guess was that this might be intended to refer to the basic Martial Arts ability of making an unarmed strike as a bonus action.


I think you may be looking at an older version. The most up to date version is always on GM Binder.

Jeff Potato

Ah, you're right, that one's different. I was assuming the Google Drive version was current. Thanks!