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Hey all, excited to post an update to my compendium of Monk subclasses! I feel like the monk doesn’t get a lot of love subclass-wise, and while it is hard to design subclasses for this class, they often come out fairly interesting (at least I think so!).

The subclasses here are for the Monk class in the Player's Handbook. While they do work with my Alternate Monk class, I’ll be updating them specifically for the Alt Monk with my next update to that class.

As always, I’m open to any constructive criticism and feedback!


Way of the Boulder (Updated). Only a few minor updates here for clarity. Gather bulk and grow in size to become as immovable as the mountains! Tank monk!

Way of the Brawler (NEW). If you follow any of my homebrew you know that I like to staple Maneuvers onto classes and see what happens. The Brawler is a non-traditional monk who comes from the underbelly of civilization, fighting for their life is a daily occurrence.

Way of Ferocity (Updated). Formerly Way of the Wilds. This is an (optionally) race-restricted Tradition for player races that come with natural weapons: Leonin, Tabaxi, and Tortles OH MY!

Way of the Flowing River (NEW). I wanted to attempt a pacifist/dancing monk with this subclass. I think this would make for an interesting play style for the right player, but I’m not sure if it is too powerful.

Way of the Hurricane (NEW). This is my take on the ever-popular heavy weapon monk! I don’t think this is the most mechanically interesting option, but it gives the monk some options for AoE damage which I think is cool when coupled with their mobility.

Way of the Sacred Inks (Update). What if you combined monk and paladin? Not too many updates for this one other than clarifications and formatting.

Way of the Vigilante (Update). Want to play as Batman or Daredevil? Now is your chance! I’ve always thought the monk class would make a great base for a superhero character.

Way of the Void (Update). While most monks seek perfection, the Way of the Void seeks annihilation. This tradition is basically the inverse of the Bard College of Creation. This one may be more appropriate for enemy monks or an evil campaign.


Monastic Traditions by laserllama

At 3rd level, a monk chooses their Monastic Tradition. The following options are available to a monk, along with to those presented in the Player's Handbook: Ways of the Boulder, the Brawler, Ferocity, the Flowing River, the Hurricane, the Sacred Inks, the Vigilante, and the Void.



Way of the Flowing River is really cool! The stance really helps the style of this monk stand out, but I'm a little worried it might be boring to play. Do you think having the stance action count as an attack action for the purposes of flurry be overpowered?


All of these are so cool! Way of the Flowing River really feels like the pacifist option the monk needed. Quick correction: in Way of the Flowing River the ability Graceful Step says 7th level instead of 6th


Thanks for checking it out! This is a first draft of the subclass, and I think there is definitely something there, just not sure if I hit it quite right. I wanted the subclass to really lean into the usefulness of Step of the Wind and Patient Defense. Surrounded by enemies? Enter your Flowing River Stance (Action), and use Patient Defense (Bonus Action) to become a pseudo-tank. Want to disable a bunch of mooks? Enter your Flowing River Stance (Action), and use Step of the Wind (Bonus Action) to run around and provoke as many opportunity attacks as possible!


any chance of me getting the syntax you used to get the picture of the way of the flowing river? working on my own person collection of all homebrew I allow for my table (not distributing it) and can't quite get it to look right.


I have a rule that I don’t share my code since I spend so much time on it. If you google “homebrewery stains” you can find Imgur albums of stains similar to the ones I use.