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Hey all, still steadily working on some quality of life updates for my Monk subclasses. Today I've got (what I hope) is the final version of the Way of the Sacred Inks - A celestial themed monk that is inspired by some paladin-like abilities.

Smite with your fists!

P.S. I hope to have a Magus Class preview for you all tomorrow!




One thing. In "Divine Conduit: Sacred Strike" you didn't mention how much is the extra damage. Is it 1 ki = 1 damage? Or is it 1 ki = 1 Martial Die roll?


oops... Good catch! I was retyping these to make more sense with official publications. It should be 1 Martial Arts die of radiant damage per ki point spent.


Should read as such: RADIANT STRIKE. Your sacred tattoos channel divine wrath. When you hit with an unarmed strike, you can expend ki points to deal extra radiant damage to the target. One roll of your martial arts die per ki point, up to a maximum number of ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).