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Hey all, just finished updating the Patreon-exclusive Academic Disciplines for the Savant class: Combat Engineer, Occultist, Orator, Polymath, and Voyager.

FYI. The last time I posted the Savant to Reddit I messed up the version number, so I've renamed this most recent version to "Savant v4.4.0". It's only a few grammar corrections since the 4.0.0 version. I just wanted to rename it for the sake of clarity.

Combat Engineer: No major changes to this Academic Discipline, just some wording clarifications. Reworded some of the features so they make more sense.

Sapping Strike // Grammar, spelling, and phrasing clarifications.

Structural Reinforcement // Now grants resistance to all non-magical B/P/S damage.

Occultist: I wanted to get away from the explicitly evil connotations of the Occultist and have them play as more of a weirdo who doesn't follow the rules. 

Occult Tome // You learn fewer rituals, but you get one Channel Divinity!

Hidden Knowledge // One fewer Invocation, but you get another CD.

Accursed Gaze // New 17th level feature.

Orator: I removed this Academic Discipline from the base class since I feel that the mechanics don't do a great job of matching the fantasy. It is still playable and balanced, so I've included it here in the off chance anyone was playing one.

Polymath: Some minor changes here. I wanted them to focus more on being a DaVinci style master of many things instead of just a "non-magical inventor".

Student of Innovation // Now grants Expertise with Investigation and Tinker's Tools. Also scales your Unyielding Mind dice up by one die size.

Flexible Expertise // I brought back this feature from previous versions.

Mechanical Servant // Nerfed a bit to make room in the power budget to bring back Flexible Expertise. Now it's just a normal familiar with more health that can use tools.

Improved Mechanics // You can't use this to destroy an item when you use all the charges now.

Mechanical Guardians // Removed the TCoE spell since it is not in the SRD. Now, this allows you to cast animate objects. How fun!

Voyager: Mainly just phrasing changes for clarity.  



Ooo yay occultist lol. I have one thought about the occultists channel divinity though. I would suggest just giving them a turn undead ability and then a savant specific channel divinity. Being able to pick from any of the cleric domains sort of feels like it’s undercutting their uniqueness a bit. Especially since you can potentially change what you took every level. Instead of doing the turn undead route you could even give them a binding (single target lockdown) and a banishing (aoe banish like the arcana cleric) channel divinity. And you could choose between the two when you use it, sort of a demonologist vibe.


I feel like choosing from any Cleric Domain gives the vibe that they do study, and thus can go any route. Same with Eldritch Invocations. Turn undead would push the subclass into being more holy, which I don't really think fits.


Yes I would prefer a binding/vanishing route over a generic turn undead.