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Hey all, working on updating/adding to my Compendium of Bard Colleges and I wanted to share a new one that I was proud of!

I feel like it could make for some fun characters, but I'd love to hear thoughts on its balance.




Seem really fun, I always have a soft spot for classes with unarmed strikes that don't normaly get them. I will say that the temp HP gained from Hero of Legend is a little low, maybe adding Bard Level + Charisma might be a better calculation, but other that that it seems solid.


Glad you like it! I too like the idea of punching people in D&D (and I was definitely inspired by my Alternate Monk I just put out). I actually considered adding your CHA mod to the temp hit points, but most bard subclass capstone's aren't super powerful. I ended up just doing bard level since you get another feature at 14th that makes you a little more survivable.