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Hey all, finished up another Player Race today, the Fairy!

Obviously, I've drawn some inspiration from the most recent UA, but unlike the conservative game designers at WotC (cowards), I tried to make this work as a Tiny sized race. 

I've limited the flight you get until 5th level (I think that's fair), and I've changed out druidcraft (?) for minor illusion.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts.




This is neat! If fairies can only use light weapons, would it be reasonable to two hand a non light weapon or does that get too fiddly? Are the dualwielding rules still the same? I like the new races by the way!


I’m not sure how I feel about that. Mechanically I can see how you arrive there, but narratively I don’t think a 6 inch tall person could effectively use a long sword. I’d still let the dual wield though. At the end of the day this is all up to the DM. I personally think being that small is a pretty big deal and I’m okay limiting what players of that size can do.


What sort of subraces do you think the Fairy could have?