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Hey all, made some changes to the Archaeologist and Sleuth that should make them a little more fun in combat.


  • Student of History - Replaced Religion proficiency with Investigation. Moved their identify ability here.
  • Adventuring Academic - Now you can Use an Object as a bonus action. Can use Expert Student to attune to an item you normally couldn’t.
  • Daring Determination - Immune to opportunity attacks from your AA target, can use a reaction to force a non-marked target to re-roll an opportunity attack. INT mod to trap saving throws.
  • Lore Master - Improves to 1 minute at 17th level


  • Student of Truth - You can use Adroit Analysis to learn its alignment, if it is in its true form, or if it is proficient in Deception or Sleight of Hand.
  • Astute Offense - Renamed Sharp Eye and reworked to grant fun/thematic benefits.
  • Astute Defense - Now requires Unyielding Mind use. If it causes an Attack to miss, you can counterattack the target.
  • Rough & Tumble - New exploration/ribbon feature.
  • Peerless Focus - Add INT to Perception checks. Regain a use of Unyielding Mind when you roll initiative.




Can you add what the starting wealth for the class would be as an alternative for the starting equipment?


Good call, I'll have to add that in! For the Savant, I'd say starting gold should be 5d4 x 10 gp.


Hey I'm playing an online campaign and I'm finding that the Advanced Combat Medic has too few uses (1/per short or long rest) so we moved it to Int mod per long rest, thoughts?


Hard to answer, how many short rests does your group (on average) take per long rest? The options are pretty powerful. Regenerate allows you to auto-stabilize and get up from 0 hit points and Resuscitate is a free revivify. The only one that isn’t that great is Restorative Boost depending on what condition you heal with it.