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Hello to all my lovely Patrons! Sorry for the gap in content, I've been working on a rather large update to my Alternate Ranger class. I've ended up splitting it into two separate parts: the base Alternate Ranger (includes the base class and the most “standard” Ranger options), and the Alternate Ranger: Expanded (includes some of the more outlandish Knacks and Archetypes).

As always, let me know what you think!

Alternate Ranger Change Log (3.5.0)

  • Art updates - tried to find some good WotC / MtG art with a broader representation of Rangers.
  • Survivalist Knacks - Increases number of Knacks Known per level.
  • Fighting Style - Updated Versatile Fighting.
  • Archetype Spells - Moved description into each subclass. Archetypes now gain two spells at each level (just like Paladins and Artificers do!)
  • Added the Ranger Spell list - (New Spells) *expeditious retreat, feather fall, purify food and drink, continual flame, warding bond, blinding smite, dispel magic, tiny hut, tongues, death ward, divination, staggering smite, contagion, reincarnate.*
  • NEW Ranger Archetypes - Bounty Hunter, Grim Warden, Nomad, and Wrangler.
  • Ranger Archetypes - Bounty Hunter, Drakebound, Nomad, Grim Warden, and Stargazer have been moved to the Alternate Ranger: Expanded.
  • Survivalist Knacks - **BIG** additions here!
    • *Explorer I, II* - (NEW) a Knack path for guides and wilderness experts.
    • *Herbalist I, II, III* - (NEW) expanded to allow you to focus on healing.
    • *Natural Regeneration* - Limited to once per long rest (still powerful).
    • *Slayer I, II, III* - (NEW) The tracking portion of *hunter’s mark* has been moved here (and buffed if you take all three).
    • *Stalker I* - You can now cover the tracks/scent of your party as well.
    • *Strider I* - You allow your party to not be slowed by difficult terrain.
    • *Trapper I* - (NEW)
    • *Wild Insights I, II* - (NEW) get *really* in-tune with animals and eventually get a familiar.
  • Beast Master / Primal Companion - Beast now takes its turn immediately after you as with every other “pet subclass”. Added a “Beast of the Cave” (tremmorsense and burrow speed).
  • Beast Master / Exceptional Training - As a reaction you and the beast can grant each other advantage on a save if you can see each other.
  • Beast Master / Exceptional Training - Primal beast’s attacks become magical at this level (moved up from 11th level).
  • Hunter / Hunter’s Prey - added Harrying Strikes
  • Hunter / Defensive Tactics - added Stout Frame
  • Wrangler - NEW Ranger Archetype. The Beast Master bonds with animals, this one breaks and tames wild beasts. Sort of a Steve Irwin-type character. I think there is thematic room for it in the game alongside the Beast Master.

Alternate Ranger: Expanded Change Log (3.5.0)

  • Additional Knacks - “Adepts” for different environments not included with the base Alternate Ranger, Fell Handed tree for martial Rangers, Rider tree for mounted combat, and Woodsman tree for Rangers that work as lumberjacks part-time.
  • Bounty Hunter - NEW Ranger Archetype. Specializes in hunting humanoids. Includes limited Maneuvers in place of an archetype spell list.
  • Ghostslayer - Removed (converting to a Paladin subclass …coming soon!)
  • Sanguine Warrior - Renamed to Grim Warden.
  • Grim Warden / Crimson Brand - You can now expend as many Hit Dice as you want in one hit (keep in mind you only get half back on a long rest…)
  • Nomad - NEW Ranger Archetype, salvaged from the mess that was the UA: Mystic Class.
  • Stargazer - Almost completely reworked. Thematically it is still the same though!


Alternate Ranger by laserllama

Rough and wild looking, a grizzled man silently moves through the forest. He'd been tracking the band of orcish raiders that had crossed into the farmland he protected. Clutching a shortsword in each hand, he leapt out from the cover of the forest, preying on the orcs when they topped to rest.



Good work as usual, however tiny hut is a ritual spell. Also the "official" ranger subclasses have 1 extra spell per spell level (I'm assuming they always have it prepared since it's not mentioned), is that intended?


Ah did I miss the ritual tag for tiny hut? I’ll have to update that. Official subclasses would always have those spells prepared. I’ll add a line in there for the next update.