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Psion (1.1.0)

  • A TON of art updates - credits all on the final page. All art is from *Magic: the Gathering*
  • Class Features / Hit Points - Hit Die is now 1d8 (like the Warlock, Cleric, and Bard)
  • Esoteric Order / Order Disciplines - Each Esoteric Order gains one free Mental Discipline, picking from two thematic choices. It doesn’t count against your Disciplines Known.
  • Mental Disciplines / Celerity - Reorganized, BA Dash is not Tier I.
  • Mental Disciplines / Empathy - Removed and converted to the Order of the Empath subclass.
  • Mental Disciplines / Metamorphosis - Reorganized. Now gain improved *psionic strike* at Tier I. Size changing abilities are paired at Tier II and Tier IV. Tier III allows you to psychic Smite with *pisonic strike*.
  • Mental Disciplines / Psionic Body - BA temp HP moved to Immortal, now grants Unarmored Defense (10 + INT + CON).
  • Mental Disciplines / Restoration - Tier II now grants a pool of hp for the day.
  • Mental Disciplines / Telekinesis - Rebalanced around *mind thrust* and *telekinesis*.
  • Mental Disciplines / Telepathy - buffed and Tier I now grants an improved *mind sliver*.
  • Order of the Empath - New Esoteric Order based on auras and emotions!
  • Order of the Enlightened / Mental Precision - now grants improved mage hand from Telekinesis I.
  • Order of the Immortal / Immortal Training - Grants martial weapon proficiencies.
  • Order of the Immortal / Psionic Resilience - Switched with Tier I Psionic Body ability.
  • Order of the Outsider - New Esoteric Order based on Illithid’s, the Far Realm, and Aberrations! Power overwhelming when you run out of psi points!
  • Order of the Wilder / Rampant Psionics - Now only triggers 10% of the time, and includes a d100 table of Psionic effects!
  • Order of the Wilder / Overwhelming Aura - New 14th level feature, basically a psychic *spirit guardians* that you cannot control.
  • Psion Spells / *mind thrust* - damage die is now 1d12, and now deals magical bludgeoning damage.
  • Psion Spells / *psionic strike* - new cantrip that enhances unarmed strikes.
  • Psion Spells / *psionic blast* - CON save, deals magical bludgeoning damage.
  • Psion Spells / *psionic oppression* - NEW spell, based on *enervation*.


The Psion Class by laserllama

An elderly human watched as his young apprentice struggle to lift the small stone with his mind. He couldn't help but think back to his own youth, and the years of training it had taken to hone the strange power within himself.


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