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Hey Patrons, here is the latest version of my Divine Domains, all eight of them!

Beauty Domain - A rebranding and combination of a few UA: Love Domains floating around, I've toned down the less savory aspects for something more wholesome.

Blood Domain - The first draft of a melee-based blood warrior. I like the theme, but the mechanics may need some fine-tuning. Also features in my "Blood Hunter: Dissected" side-project I'm working on.

Hearth Domain - Speaking of wholesome, play the ultimate party host. Protect the warm and fuzzy places of the world.

Luck Domain - Roll the Dice with this very unique Domain!

Mysticism Domain - My take on a Psionic Cleric, based loosely on the themes from Kieth Baker's Mind Domain. Draw your power from within.

Poverty Domain - Renounce all worldly possessions for enhanced divine power. The closest thing you'll get to a pacifist adventurer.

Shadow Domain - An edgy inverse of the Player's Handbook's Light Domain.

Wealth Domain - Worship the idea of GOLD with another unique take on the cleric.


Cleric Divine Domains by laserllama

At 1st level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain feature. The following domain options are available to a cleric, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: the Beauty, Blood, Hearth, Luck, Mysticism, Poverty, Shadow, and Wealth Domains. Beauty is a concept that can be interpreted differently by every culture, creed, and mortal.


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