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This month's concept comes from Just Another Patron, who won this month's Color contest by a sizable margin — 59 v 39 votes.

Patron requests included: hair color and style; green eyes; overalls like Rachel from "Milk Farm"; thicc thighs; plump nipples spraying milk; embarrassed facial expression; and the wooden table prop.

The background was taken from grOw/cOmic 6.

A farm girl drinks a new M.O.O formula wanting to impress her Valentine's Day date. She ends up growing larger than she wanted to, bursting out of her shirt and overalls. Her butt and thighs have gotten bigger while her breasts have become massively engorged with milk spraying from her plump nipples. She gives an embarrassed smile and says, "Well, you said you like big girls. Is this big enough?" 

We went through a number of rough sketches to try and get the camera angle right that would show the best view of both her breasts and ass.

1  -  Rough Sketch, original
2 -  Rough Sketch, original, alternate view
3  -  Revised Rough Sketch, new angle
4  -  Chosen Rough Sketch, more details, bigger butt
5  -  Line art
6  -  Color flats
7  -  Skin tones, areola, nipples
8  -  Hair texture; wood texture
9  -  Veins;  Denim texture
10  -  Lighting
11  -  Shadows
12  -  Threads;  Hair wisps;  torn cloth edges
13  -  Milk effects
14  -  Dialogue balloon
15  -  Low-res, rendered background*

* The finals will have the final detailed background.


Dialogue balloon
Rough sketch, original, ver 1
Rough sketch, original, ver 2
Revised Rough sketch
Chosen Rough Sketch; more details, bigger ass
Line Art
Color Flats
Skin tones; Areola & Nipple color
Hair texture; Wood texture
Veins; Denim texture
Threads; Hair wisps; Torn cloth edges
Milk Effects
Low-res rendered background


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