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Carl returns!

Over the last few days I finalized the first draft of the script for Episode 24, tentatively titled, "Accretion Dick." I was also able to complete the first 2 frames today.

I have also been working on the first pieces of art for January, of which the mOnthly grOw illustration and first watercolor-sketch have posted. I have also worked up a rough sketch for the second watercolor-sketch and got patron approval. I will be working on the final early next week.

In addition, I have been crafting a detailed Google form that will be used for my upcoming personal Commissions. To ease into this, I will be offering Commissions to certain Patrons first (I'm not sure what level(s) just yet), then all patrons, then the general public.

There was a slight disruption in work this week, as I had to take the entire day on Wednesday to get our repaired car:

• Left home at 6:50am. Returned 5:10pm. 

In between:
• drove 270 mi (1/2 of which, through windy, lightly snowing mountains)
• Gassed up car in sub-freezing, 30mph winds (BRRR!)(twice)
• Listened to many Podcasts while driving
• Returned rental car
• Got shuttled over to the shop
• Paid my car's repairs (Ouch!)
• Drove 270 mi home



Just Another Patron

Crazy to believe that we are already up to Episode 24 in grOw/cinema. If it ever ends I hope we get to see your pun-title list. There's probably some funny ones like "Halley's Cum-et" (Halley's Comet) or "Centri-penile Force" (Centripetal Force)


I’m ready for this…hope this series never end


Wel, it IS "The EVER-Expanding Universe" (title deliberately chosen for this reason). BUT, should I decide to end it, I already have an "end scenario" concept.