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BustArtist Patreon Collection (2023, 4th Quarter),
available at Bustartist.com »

This sketch's concept comes from Dan-0, who entered this idea into the January and February 2023 Wholesome Sketch Commission.

Two miniGTS nurses just finishing their bedside report at shift change. They both stand 7-8' tall, huge breasts, athletically muscular, large bubble butts. One is a Latina just finishing her shift and looks a little frazzled; the other is a fresh Asian nurse just starting her shift. Both are dressing in incredibly tight, deep colt blue scrubs with a bit of midriff showing, and tastefully amounts of cleavage.
"Mr. Yuge Johnson, here, has been showing a lot of swelling below the waist while I was bending over to take his vitals. I’m not entirely sure why," the latina nurse explains. *
(*Edited slightly by me for clarity)
