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This month's concept comes from Bowser, who entered this idea into the August 2023 Color Commission and came in decent 3rd Place (45 vs 34 vs 28 votes).

Direction from the patron included: remove any bikini from Boson, allowing her breast to slide to the side (so we can see her face); larger C*ck; Carl in Boson's vag.

Carl, in swim trunks, is on the beach with Prof. Boson. He’s using one hand to grow her pussy to be large enough to sit in like a relaxing beach chair. Holding a margarita in the other. Her boobs are massive and he’s using their shadow to cool off from the sun.               
       She’s moaning for him to give her release from the pleasure but he says, “When I’m good and ready, Nellie. Right now, I need to relax and this pussy needs to be a little bigger”.*
* Edited slightly by me for clarity and more streamlined.

Includes alternate images without liquid effects.

NOTE: There is ALSO a "Vera alternate version", since I had had a super brain fart and drew the original image with Vera instead of Nellie Boson. (And how neither the patron or I notice it until after I posted the WIPs (and only after it was pointed out by another patron). SO, since it was already made, I included both versions.

NOTE 2: Lactation was added to the Vera version, as requested by the patron, since "it is Vera." Since Prof. Boson is not known for lactation, I did not include that in her version.

This post includes:
Low-res:  1700 x 1214 px
Medium-res:  2600 x 1857 px

Higher tiers will have access to:
High-res:  4000 x 2857 px  ($5+ tier)
Very High-res:  7000 x 5000 px  ($5+ tier)
Speed Process Video  ($7+ tier)
PSD file  ($11+ tier)



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